WebStorm 10.0.4 : Find in path does not search the entire directory, when scope is 'Directory'
I am currently working a cordova project. When looking for a string, with 'Search In Path', the entire project directory, the search does not look in 'non project files', even though i specifically searched with 'Directory' scope.
Here is a screenshot of project file structure:
This is the normal structure for a 'cordova' project. The reddish directories are populated when issuing a 'cordova prepare' cli command at the terminal.
How do I convince WebStorm to look in those directories please ? most of the 'weird' error messages are in the js created for the target, i waste a lot of time stepping out of webstorm to do a recursive directory search with a good tool.
Also , the first picture, if i return there a second time, the panel does not remember my preference for 'Directory' search. Can I configure WebStorm to remember my settings ?
-- Yves
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The reddish directories are excluded from project - Find in path doesn't process excluded folders.
You can uncheck 'Automatically exclude 'platforms' directory on open project' in Settings | Languages & Frameworks | JavaScript | Phonegap/Cordova to avoid excluding this folder automatically. But note that including it would make the performance worse.
The logic is explained at http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-87037#comment=27-441723, and we believe it's correct (although maybe selecting the last Directory scope instead of the default Whole Project would be nice). Ifyou would like this behavior being changed, please vote for https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-87037
Two things :
Version 2017.1.5
I would like to adamantly second the comment made my Yves!!!
The frustration of a search NOT coming back with results when you KNOW it's in there SOMEWHERE, just makes you blame the tool for being faulty.
You have an awesome scope selector, and then the nasty fineprint "(Non-project files are not shown)" WHY NOT!?, WHY CAN'T I CHANGE THIS?!?!
You can search in non-project files when using Directory scope - just make sure to select the directory where these files reside