Mark as RMI


I've tried NetBeans and there is a feature that allows you to mark impl classes as RMI and when you compile your project the RMI marked files are rmic'ed too. Is this a feature that is under consideration, under making or is it a feature that isn't going to be implemented in IDEA?



This seems to be one place where most other ide's beat intellij. You can use ant or some other external make. Vote here:


this is the first bad thing I have found about IDEA in the 6 months I have been using it and it is one of the tings that could make me change IDE :( Hope JetBrains implement this feature SOON



NZC wrote:

this is the first bad thing I have found about IDEA in the 6 months I have been using it and it is one of the tings that could make me change IDE :( Hope JetBrains implement this feature SOON

As a workaround, in your Ant build file (create one if you don't have
one), create a target called "rmic" or something similar. In that
target, add an command with the appropriate includes to call rmic on your classes. Then add that Ant build file into your IDEA project if necessary, right-click on the "rmic" target and choose Execute on->Before compilation. That will make IDEA run the "rmic" target first when you use the internal make command. Ciao, Gordon -- Gordon Tyler (Software Developer) Quest Software ]]>
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Voice: 416-643-4846 | Fax: 416-594-1919


that works but is just barely better than just running the command yourself from a prompt. The correct solution is for idea to rmic the files when it figures out that the .java files have been updated.


To me this sounds like a good candidate for a plug-in, especially since Ant
already provides rmic That's just me though, I firmly believe that the
build process should not be tied to an IDE at all, I believe many other
believe this too, hence why Ant is so popular..


I am ok with that, but if it's not going to be associated with the IDE then take it out all together. My feelings are do it right or don't do it at all. Doing it half way should not be an option.


here's the RFE... if you haven't voted for it yet..


doh... except someone already posted it to the thread... I'm blind... sorry..


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