PhpStorm css tool like this


I wondered if there is a tool/addon that acts like this css property value pair editor as seen in this video:

I know you have the color picker, that isn't what I am asking about.  It is the other css value pairs as show in this video.


Sorry, don't understand how the color picker in this video differs from the one included in PHPStorm. Can you explain the difference?


Did you read what I said?  Look at the video.  FORGET THE COLOR PICKER.

His picker has attibute:value pairs.   Do you see that?

example 1:  font family selection
   in css file appears:   Font-family:  value
example 2:  Capitalize
   in css file appears:  text-transform:  uppercase

Does that make sense.


That kind of visual CSS editing is available in tools like Dreamweaver. Those tools are more like for beginners. I don't think this kind of visual editing would be implemented ever in phpstorm. Usual code completing is enough. It would be a bonus but given how much effort there was to implement a save single file features, I doubt this will be seen on the roadmap because it is far from critical.
Realtime browser preview on the other hand, can be achieved with browser's developer tools like Firebug etc. I think Phpstorm had some tools to sync stylesheets manipulated in the browser's dev tools, so you can experiment there and sync back to the IDE. Not sure how this is done though.


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