Project group?

It could be interesting to have a "project group" feature to add multiple projects (module) to the same project environment.

JBuilder 8 provides this new feature and it's really appreciated in our team.

I'm not a fan of .Net, but I saw it in the .NET IDE too.

Stephanie Levesque

Permanently deleted user

I'm not trying to shoot your idea down, but what advantage does this
feature provide over the currently available feature in IDEA of being
able to open multiple projects at once?

Stephanie Levesque wrote:

It could be interesting to have a "project group" feature to add multiple projects (module) to the same project environment.

JBuilder 8 provides this new feature and it's really appreciated in our team.

I'm not a fan of .Net, but I saw it in the .NET IDE too.

Gordon Tyler
Software Developer, R&D
Sitraka (now part of Quest Software)
"Performance is Mission Critical"

Permanently deleted user

Yes, in IDEA you can load multiple project in different frame.

Suppose you have a big project with 3 sub-projects:
Sub-project 1: The application itself
Sub-project 2: A function library in development
Sub-project 3: A proprietary logging library in development

The 3 sub-projects are in development and you want to edit the sources concurrently. In that case, you get 3 distinct windows and you have to switch from one window to another. It will be more efficient to have the 3 sub-projects in the same project view and easily edit code with the code location feature (Go to definition).

What happen if you want to debug your application in sub-project 2 by starting sub-project 1? I mean, in order to debug sub-project 2 you have to start the project 1 since sub-project 2 is not auto sufficient, it's a library.

Another case, sub-project 2 has some dependencies on jar files. In IDEA, if you want to add sub-project 2 library to be used in sub-project 1, you will also have to add all jar files used by sub-project 2 library in your sub-project 1 classpath. It's a duplicated task since you already defined the dependencies in sub-project 2. It could be interesting to use the sub-project 2 classpath settings when you start your sub-project 1.

Everything described here has some work around in current IDEA version but I think developers would benefit of the project group feature.

Stephanie Levesque


If you want to use the Eclipse plugin concept to have a higher order modularization concept for the parts of your applications, it's nice to have all the projects of your application available in one place.

It would also open the door for big refactorings that influence more than just one project. We are forced to use Eclipse to make those big refactorings, here.

We absolutely need such a feature in IDEA.

Permanently deleted user

Stephanie Levesque wrote:

Suppose you have a big project with 3 sub-projects:
Sub-project 1: The application itself
Sub-project 2: A function library in development
Sub-project 3: A proprietary logging library in development

Excellent points. If you define a single IDEA project with multiple
sourcepaths for each of the sub projects, does that solve these
problems? If not, in which areas does it fail to meet your needs?

Hmm... I sound like one of those telemarketer surveys... Bleh.


Gordon Tyler
Software Developer, R&D
Sitraka (now part of Quest Software)
"Performance is Mission Critical"

Permanently deleted user

Does not really work in real life. Sub-projects usually composed of sub-sub-projects and so on. Every project can have multiple source paths. If you dump everything in one place it will be complete mess. One of the major points is to have OTHER developer[s] to work on project and just INCLUDE it into your workspace for debugging and/or occasional changes (if authorized). It would be insane to for me to copy all subprojects into my project and MANUALLY keep all of them in sync with all others. But in fact this is exactly what I need! I need to be able to put multiple projects into my workspace and to be able to define interdependencies between them. I can set my current project I'm working on at the moment. When I hit "make" all sub-projects which my project depends on would be automatically "maked" as nesessary before my current project. Ideally other people would be able to make their changes and they would be automatically reflected in my workspace but I can settle for snaphots updated upon start or on push of a button (this is usually the case when you work off VCS).
As I've already mentioned it somewhere else, I'm really missing MS VisualStudio6 development environment. It does all this stuff and much more very nicely and ergonomic, saving tremendous amount of time and boring work. If I only could have it in IDEA.....

Permanently deleted user

Yes, with the current version of IDEA, I use this trick to debug my app (add multiple src directory). But we want sub-project 2 and 3 to be independent project too. I mean if another developer need to work on these sub-projects 2 and 3 and doesn't want to work on sub-project 1, we want a distinct IDEA project for each of those.

Stephanie Levesque,

Permanently deleted user

I second that! When doing large scale development with multiple teams with
dependent products, multiple project management in ONE workspace is really
Given Stephanie's example I will add that having P1 including P2 & P3 plus
P2 including P3 and P3 consumes a LOT of memory. Having 3 times P3 and 2
times P2 is a stop gap measure not a solution.
In addition in order to do global refactoring I will need all projects even
on P3. This implies a lot of project definition duplication between teams
which most likely will results in build problems and wasted time.
The closest thing we have right now is the Library tab. Why not add a
Dependent Project tab and merge the paths of these dependent projects with
the "master" projects?


"Robert F. Beeger" <> wrote in message

If you want to use the Eclipse plugin concept to have a higher order

modularization concept for the parts of your applications, it's nice to have
all the projects of your application available in one place.

It would also open the door for big refactorings that influence more than

just one project. We are forced to use Eclipse to make those big
refactorings, here.

We absolutely need such a feature in IDEA.

Permanently deleted user

Aurora will include "modules" concept which will cover this.

Valentin Kipiatkov
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

"Stephanie Levesque" <> wrote in message

It could be interesting to have a "project group" feature to add multiple

projects (module) to the same project environment.

JBuilder 8 provides this new feature and it's really appreciated in our


I'm not a fan of .Net, but I saw it in the .NET IDE too.


Stephanie Levesque


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