Custom syntax highlights inside template tag
Is it possible to have custom syntax hightlight for different tags?Like in HTML (code inside <script> is javascript, code inside <style> is css). But is it possible to implete some custom scenario?<can-component tag='can-tabs'><style type='less'>margin-top: 20px;button {clear: both;}ul {padding: 0px; margin: 0px;}.... here goes less css syntax highlight</style><template type='text/stache'><ul>{{#panels}}<li {{#isActive}}class='active'{{/isActive}}can-click='makeActive'>{{title}}</li>{{/panels}}</ul><content></content>.... here goes mustache syntax highlight</template><scope>import can from "can";import "can-panel.stache!"here goes javascript syntax highlight</scope><events>export default {}here goes javascript syntax highlight</events><helpers>export default {}here goes javascript syntax highlight</helpers></can-component>
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You can use language injections ( to inject javascript in certain tags. These can be either temporary injections, created via Alt+Enter, Inject language/reference, or custom injections defined in Settings | Editor | Language Injections.
Mustache, however, can't be injected. It is not an injectable language, it's a templating language that can only be used as a 'master' language for other languages. If you miss a possibility to inject template languages, please follow for updates