Error launching Intellij Platform - Error invoking main method
I am unable to start PHPStorm. It stopped to launch all of a sudden. I have no plugins installed. Here are the problems:
- When I try to launch, I see the error as shown in the attached screenshot phpstorm_launch_error_1.jpg.
- I installed the latest Java SDK and used the PhpStorm64.exe launcher. Still the results are same.
- I tried to run PhpStorm.bat and that throws an error too. The error can be seen in screenshot phpstorm_launch_error_2.jpg.
Due to the above problems, I am unable to start PHPStorm and I am unable to resume my work. Kindly help me fix this issue. I have latest Java and Java SDK installed already.
An early response is highly appreciated. Thank you.
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I got same error on openning any JetBrains product (pycharm,clion,android studio,webstorm,intellij)
Yesterday it was running great, today nothing won't start and is there any logs I could provide you maybe ?
I have jdk18025 (x64) installed and same jre. + eclipse is working.
I am in hurry and I need to get Android Studio ASAP !
I can't even open Configure Java it just dissapears after enter
You may have some system wide issue like described here: .
Can you run any other Java Swing applications? Like JEdit/NetBeans/JAlbum?
I installed both JDK and JRE, but the problem still exists. I tried to verify the installation by visiting:, but it shows blank screen instead of the running applet.
Tried to run jEdit. The software crashes without any warning in 2 seconds. Unable to launch it.
It looks like I am unable to run any Java based softwares.
Please advise.
No ideas, sorry:(
It's a new and rare issue affecting all the Java apps on Windows, we have tried searching Google, but no solutions were found for "Could not initialize class javax.swing.UIManager" issue. is the most close, but it's not clear how to fix (except for re-installing OS:()
Maybe creating new Windows user or it is same for all users on system ?
No idea, sorry - as it's not clear what is wrong exactly (and there is no way to recreate it on our side)
Because of the error, the whole software, unfortunately, is renderd useless as it seems to work on Java platform. So are there any work arounds? I mean, is PHPStorm available in other platform/stack? If so, please suggest the URL from which it could be downloaded.
Also would like to know if any of PHPStorm developers are looking into this issue with the intent of fixing it.
Running Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 8gb. Just installed JDK 1.8.0_31. Updated to latest PHPStorm 8.0.3 EAP. And it runs fine. 8.0.2 ran fine in previous configration.
When type java -version from command line what do you get?
Hi Again,
I can also run IntellIj-Idea 13.1.4 no problem. Also my TIBCO Business Works designer runs no problem. This is java based product.
Make sure you do not have multiple JDK's on your system path. Can you post your system specs please. And your system path.

Is this OK ?Hi,
I download tis Rapid Environment editior. Never ever heardm of it befoe. Very Nice. Couple of things. I was running phpstorm.exe when I run phpstorm64.exe all still runs fine. I am running the latest default 64 bnit JDK from oracle. 1.8.0_31. Also you have a JAVA_HOME env var in your system and user profiles. I did not, only in user. It was set to JDK 1.6. Thought it might be a source,of trouble. Added it to my system profile and rebooted. And can still run phpstorm64.exe
I notice you have Python env variable, does it have a seperate JDK or JRE i uses. I see your Oracle pathing points to your install and is first in yopur path. So just checking.Do you have a possible dll conflict? Can you dump your phpstorm log for me? I will install your JDK and see if I can reporoduce.
How can I send it to you (dumped log) I only got message from first post while starting any JetBrains product and how can I be sure about DLL conflicts ?
All paths in Rapid env. editor are non-red/gray so they are used and found on disk, python is used for PyCharm (interpreter).
If the log file is not too big, you can just attach it to your reply. PyCharm is a Jetbrains product. There is no seperate JDK? DLL conflicts coud occur with the DLL's in them Java bin directory.
While I dont think it makes a dfifferencx, can you remove y0ur JAVA_HOME env. variable from your system vars. Also can you run phpstorm.exe vs. phpstorm64.exe ?
Same Error invoking main method for both, I removed JAVA_HOME from system env.variables.
Well removed Java and installed your version. phpstorm64.exe runs fine. phpstorm.exe runs as well. Dont know what to say. Did you install anything new? I hate to do these fire drills, but uninstall phpstorm and re-install. Why is pycharm off the root dir?
Found this Jetbains article Googling for Intellij willm not start. It gives the search order for how it chooses a JDK to run.
Hope this helps you guys! Let me know. I normally develop now on a MAC, but this Windows Environment Editor is a God Send. Never ever heard of it.
I got the following when I run java -version through command line:
java version "1.8.0_31"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_31-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.31-b07, mixed mode)
I installed both 32 and 64 version of Java after removing old versions. I also reninstalled PHPStorm and I see the same error messages. Is there any way we can solve this?