Is IDEA written in Java?


I downloaded and have been using the Windows version, love this product, great guys job. I'm just not used to Java GUI's running this fast, it seems like it's written in C++. Is it written in Java? Using Swing?

Permanently deleted user

Yes it's pure Java and Swing running in the latest JDK 1.4.1_01.

Swing doesn

Permanently deleted user

Sorry ...

Swing doesn't have to be slow ;)


Jens Peter Grosen

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I think they are using some external widgets, cause for example those
scrollbars doing look like a part of swing. But I really don't know cause I
never coded swing.
Can anyone confirm if those gui controls (for example scroll bars) are swing
controls ?

Permanently deleted user

All of controls inside IDEA are indeed swing controls.

Best regards,
Mike Aizatsky.

JetBrains, Inc / IntelliJ Software
"Develop with pleasure!"

Permanently deleted user

Well I just mentioned that my knowledge in swing technology is extremely
limited as I have never coded swing in my life. Infact I really like the gui
interface and user controls used in Idea. Well I certainly not asking for a
tutorial on swing, but I want to say that the user controls used in IntelliJ
(for example scroll bars) just look very very good then the ones used in
other java applications which are not that smooth and bright.

I am attaching a image of various swing interface. How come IntelliJ IDEA's
interface is so much different from the interface that is shown in my
attached image?

Permanently deleted user

"Nick" <> wrote in message

Well I just mentioned that my knowledge in swing technology is extremely
limited as I have never coded swing in my life. Infact I really like the


interface and user controls used in Idea. Well I certainly not asking for


tutorial on swing, but I want to say that the user controls used in


(for example scroll bars) just look very very good then the ones used in
other java applications which are not that smooth and bright.


I am attaching a image of various swing interface. How come IntelliJ


interface is so much different from the interface that is shown in my
attached image?


In addition to the Look & Feel packages that get shipped with Java there are
a number of "pluggable" Look & Feel's.
For example, have a look at

I also have to admit that IDEA's Look & Feel is very nice !!
Unfortunately, it seems to be proprietary, so you can not use it in other
applications ...

Permanently deleted user

Swing provides a Look 'n Feel system which allows developers to change
the way Swing controls look. This is what the IntelliJ guys have done
and I think they've done a marvellous job ;)

Nick wrote:

Well I just mentioned that my knowledge in swing technology is extremely
limited as I have never coded swing in my life. Infact I really like the gui
interface and user controls used in Idea. Well I certainly not asking for a
tutorial on swing, but I want to say that the user controls used in IntelliJ
(for example scroll bars) just look very very good then the ones used in
other java applications which are not that smooth and bright.

I am attaching a image of various swing interface. How come IntelliJ IDEA's
interface is so much different from the interface that is shown in my
attached image?

Gordon Tyler
Software Developer, R&D
Sitraka (now part of Quest Software)
"Performance is Mission Critical"

Permanently deleted user

Thanks Gordon for replying to my query. I wasn't aware that Swing is so
powerful that it provides a Look 'n Feel system which allows developers to
change the way Swing controls look. They made there interface soo bright
that it doesn't even look like they used Java to build their gui. It looks
like an IDE built using c++. IntelliJ has surely done a GREAT JOB. Hats OFF
to IntelliJ.

Permanently deleted user

It looks like an IDE built using c++.

I don't agree, that it looks so bad.


Permanently deleted user

That's a bit harsh :-).

To be honest IDEA is the only decent looking swing app I've ever seen. In
the past I've always been very frustrated by swing apps that just "don't
work right" where the limitations are all because swing doesn't make such
and such easy for the developer to do. I don't want to open an app and know
it was written in swing simply because of the way it intereacts with the OS.
The IntelliJ team really should be commended for simply making the best
application that they could regardless of technology.

Having seen how much some other otherwise good companies have come out with
mediocre or compromised swing based aplications I have to assume that this
is far more a testiment to the IntelliJ team's skills than it really is a
show case of the power of swing.


"Thomas Singer" <> wrote in message

It looks like an IDE built using c++.


I don't agree, that it looks so bad.



Permanently deleted user

I think IDEA has done an EXCELLENT job with the Swing work, the best that I have seen and the best Sun could dream of.

IDEA has developed some great components as part of this and I am wondering if it would be technically/fiscally/legaly possible for IntelliJ to share some of these components either as Jar files (or as source code) so that others can use these as beans in their projects. Especially we are trying to develop our own version of the gutters and "marked scrollbars" etc. among other things.

Any way we (developer community) can get these components on some license basis?


Permanently deleted user

Well I have also never programmed in Swing before. The main reason cause I
was never attracted to the Swing gui controls, and I always considered other
languages when it comes to gui programming. But IntelliJ has done such a
marvelous job with swing programming, that it totally changed my mind on how
powerful swing is.
Well honestly telling, I would really like to learn the way IntelliJ does
GUI programming.

Permanently deleted user

I completely agree!

I haven't been that interested in Java GUI programming partly because the
Java GUIs I've seen have been so crappy (particularly if you have an
aversion to touching the mouse like I do :-). (Even IDEA has a bit of this
nastiness in the dialog you get from "File -> Open File..."; I've been
assuming that is because that dialog is the standard Swing "Open File"

IDEA is by far the best Swing app I've seen, and it has made me realize that
it is possible to write a good Swing app.


"Saumendra Poddar" <> wrote in message

Well I have also never programmed in Swing before. The main reason cause I
was never attracted to the Swing gui controls, and I always considered


languages when it comes to gui programming. But IntelliJ has done such a
marvelous job with swing programming, that it totally changed my mind on


powerful swing is.
Well honestly telling, I would really like to learn the way IntelliJ does
GUI programming.

Permanently deleted user

if you don't like the way a swing widget looks, it's very simple to write your own UIDelegate and make it look like you want. You don't have to recreate it from scratch and lose all the functionality. if you find that the performance is too slow it's also very simple to write your own model. sun has said many times that their models are not optimized or intended for industrial use.

Permanently deleted user

So what are the chances of getting the Intellij guys to write a book and or
tutorials on Advanced Swing?

"Mike Aizatsky" <> wrote in message

All of controls inside IDEA are indeed swing controls.


Best regards,
Mike Aizatsky.
JetBrains, Inc / IntelliJ Software
"Develop with pleasure!"


Permanently deleted user

There is already such a book. It's not written by intellij, but it will tell you everything you need to know. The author gives very complete and non-trivial examples. This book has never failed me. If you have any doubts go into your local bookstore and read just one chapter :)

Permanently deleted user

There are a lot of good looking Swing applications (some even better
than IDEA):

- JDiskReport/JPathReport from Karsten Lentzsch

- Tejina from Incors ( and

- SmartCVS from me ( :)

Unfortunately there are obviously more bad looking examples. It seems,
that a huge crowd of JAVA developers aren't UI experienced and do not
have the right feel for a good looking and easy-to-use UI.


On Fri, 22 Nov 2002 10:57:10 -0800, "Guy Gascoigne - Piggford"
<> wrote:

That's a bit harsh :-).

To be honest IDEA is the only decent looking swing app I've ever seen. In
the past I've always been very frustrated by swing apps that just "don't
work right" where the limitations are all because swing doesn't make such
and such easy for the developer to do. I don't want to open an app and know
it was written in swing simply because of the way it intereacts with the OS.
The IntelliJ team really should be commended for simply making the best
application that they could regardless of technology.

Having seen how much some other otherwise good companies have come out with
mediocre or compromised swing based aplications I have to assume that this
is far more a testiment to the IntelliJ team's skills than it really is a
show case of the power of swing.


"Thomas Singer" <> wrote in message

It looks like an IDE built using c++.


I don't agree, that it looks so bad.



Permanently deleted user

I own the Robinson book, but personally think that the Geary book is much

Though it is somewhat out of date now.

Ted Hill

"charles decroes" <> wrote in message

There is already such a book. It's not written by intellij, but it will

tell you everything you need to know. The author gives very complete and
non-trivial examples. This book has never failed me. If you have any
doubts go into your local bookstore and read just one chapter :)

Permanently deleted user

I guess it's just personal preference, cause I have the greary book also and can't stand it. His technical expertise seems pretty good, but his writing is so dry that I can't stay awake :(

Permanently deleted user

On Thu, 21 Nov 2002 11:21:19 +0000, Gordon Tyler wrote:

Swing provides a Look 'n Feel system which allows developers to change the
way Swing controls look. This is what the IntelliJ guys have done and I
think they've done a marvellous job ;)

That being said, is Idea's look'n'feel available for us to use in our own
applications? :)


Permanently deleted user

On Mon, 25 Nov 2002 08:12:26 +0000, Thomas Singer wrote:

- JDiskReport/JPathReport from Karsten Lentzsch (

Awesome!! Been looking for a proggy like this for linux for ages. du -s
is good, but the dril down and pie charts rock, reminds me of a tool I
used under windows.

Nice looking L&F as well.

Permanently deleted user

Just for info:

The book "Swing" by Robinson and Vorobiev was published in 1999 so I'd guess it was getting a bit dated now. However, a quick search of internet bookshops reveal that a new edition is planned for 2003 (if you can wait that long).


Permanently deleted user

>However, a quick search of internet bookshops reveal that a new edition is planned for 2003 (if you can wait that long).
And for free here:



The IDE is fully written in Java. It is using "FlatLaf" for their Frames' look and feels. So it is very beautiful. And also it has a very organized GUI. And it has no unwanted code like "NetBeans". It is a professional IDE.


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