Where Can I find Other Dark UI Themes?

Darkula comes with PHPStorm, but where can I find other options?


As far as I know there are only those two themes, one light and one dark theme.


Really? No one has created any new ones? Or maybe they have, but haven't shared them?


I think it is not possible the easy way. I think they have created a light and a dark ui, and of course you can choose between hundreds of code styles.


IDE themes (Preferences/Appearance&Behavior/Appearance/Theme) are just java Look&Feels. Implementing a new L&F is a tough  task, it took a lot of resources to make the Darcula theme... Note  that it's technically possible to install any third-party L&F into  JVM and use it in WebStorm/PHPStorm ( see https://weblogs.java.net/blog/kirillcool/archive/2005/08/intellij_idea_5.html for instructions), but it will most likely look ugly and break the UI in many places.


Thanks, Elena. The more I looked into what was behind the themes and styles, the more confused I got. I think you're right, creating a theme is no easy task! No wonder there are not more to choose from.


In case someone is interested, here is a repository with a pretty nice theme inspired by Material Design: https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains

It works pretty well, but i guess anyone could easily fork it and play with it.


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