JUnit tests passing via ant fail with failures/errors in Intellij IDEA

I've been testing out Intellij IDEA to see how it compares to Eclipse for development. Our company's source code base is very large and we use ant tasks for building jars, wars and ear files. We have an ant task for running JUnit on the entire project that uses an extension of RecursiveTestSuite from the gsbase library. Our JUnit tests consist both of unit tests using mock objects from the Easmock library and integration type tests that extend a subclass of TestClass to provide database connection functionality. The problem I'm facing is the following:

- Integration-type tests (accessing the database) run in IDEA fail

I suspect that it may be a problem with my classpath. In trying to debug the issue I found issue with Intellij IDEA that doesn't occur in Eclipse: when I step into code executing inside a class in a third-party JAR Eclipse shows me the source code of the class (without my attaching source to the jar). IDEA does not allow me to browse through the source. Can someone let me know if there's some plugin that's needed to allow me to browse through compiled source code?

The JUnits all run fine in Eclipse... Could anyone help me out here? Let me know if you need more details..



Message was edited by:
Omair-Inam Abdul-Matin

Easymock tests failing was identified as a non-issue

Message was edited by:
Omair-Inam Abdul-Matin

1 comment
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The problem was the order in which jars were being exported. A core JNDI class existed in both the JRE libraries and in my project libraries and I was supposed to use the version in my project libraries. Changing the order of exporting libraries fixed the issue


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