oh my god, I can not see the chinese text in messages panel of ant build

hello, I add an ant build file to IDEA, so I can run it in IDEA. But there is a trouble...
my PC run in Chinese Windows XP? so the error info of javac is in Chinese
I can not read the chinese javac error in messages panel of ant build, it is strange chars
But if I run the ant build file by command line, I can read the javac error info in chinese.
And if I print chinese words in program by System.out.println, I can read the result in run panel in IDEA
how to set the encoding of messages panel in IDEA? or in ant, or in javac ? or I run it in commmand line....


no one expert understand this problem? help me...


expers of Intellij can not resolve this problem too?




Hello Evans,

Huh, it's either ant launched with wrong file.encoding property or IDEA is
configured to use desktop fonts that aren't capable of displaying chineese.

So I'd suggest first trying to setup a font for the IDE in Settings|Appearance
and if that doesn't help add -Dfile.encoding=XXX (where XXX stands for proper
chineese encoding name) to the ant command line options at Ant Toolwindow|Properties|Execution.

Hope, that helps.


Maxim Shafirov
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

hello, I add an ant build file to IDEA, so I can run it in IDEA. But
there is a trouble...

my PC run in Chinese Windows XP? so the error info of javac is in

I can not read the chinese javac error in messages panel of ant build,
it is strange chars

But if I run the ant build file by command line, I can read the javac
error info in chinese.

And if I print chinese words in program by System.out.println, I can
read the result in run panel in IDEA

how to set the encoding of messages panel in IDEA? or in ant, or in
javac ? or I run it in commmand line....


I try these 2 mothods, but none can fix this problem
I try many font in Appearance/overide default font by
I also try to add -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 or =GB2312
I see error chinese word or just some box (no such chinese word)
I can show chinese word in the Run windows as run result of System.out.println("??"); //"hello"
It seems that the font of run window is not the same as the messages window of ant build
At last, I guess it is encoding problem, not font.


what is the encoding of messages window? maybe it is ASCII, so can not show chinese words use any font.
how to change it?


I can show chinese word in java source correctly in editor window even I use any file encoding and font.
but why I can not show chinese word in message window of ant build?


help me, experts, please


Please stop your mock. If you dont like IntelliJ, than use whatever you like! No one here force you to use IntelliJ!
I am sick with your "Oh, my God,...." posts.
Like other IDEs, IntelliJ is also not perfect. There are some minuses and pluses here and there. I am certain Jetbrain tries hard to make it better and hell, it is indeed much better than Eclipse or JBuilder, in my opinion.
Sorry if I offense you. Thanks!




Hello Evans,
OK, we'll try to setup Chineese or like environment and see if we're able
to reproduce the problem so probably come up with some workaround or fix
the problem if that's indeed a bug in IDEA.


Maxim Shafirov
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

help me, experts, please


It is not mock
If you do not like one, you should not take care its problem, do you understand?
The user feedback should help intellij to be more prefect
oh, my god, you should be intelligent...


Hi Evans,
You so friendly, polite and patient that soon you will talk only with yourself here. It's not first case when you are not careful in your posts. Please try to be more patient.

(If I didn't know that you from China I may think that you are from US, you posts sounds like speech of bad guys from Hollywood movies)



you mention that post that make me angry?
if someone debase you motherland, you should be sit by?
here we discuss problem of intellij IDEA, why he debase my motherland? who is the real bad guy? please think over.
I am polite, yes, really, but it is not means I have not the right of angry


Hi Evans,
Anyway let me tell something.
Very often in my communication with customers some problems occured with expressing thoughts cause English is the language of constant "please..., would you..., it would be good... etc".
So sometimes if we use raw English it sounds unpolite. The same feeling about your post. Sorry if I hurt you in any way.



oh, it is culture conflict and misunderstand
I want to get answer as quickly as possible but here reply often very slow. so I like ask concisely and title noticeable and had to reply myself after a longtime waiting


I want to get answer as quickly as possible

Please read http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html and try to



Nice link. Didn't know it.

Evan, the very first thing to consider is an appropriate thread title:
"oh my god, I can not see the chinese text in messages panel of ant build"
This nearly made me laugh out loud. It's like calling the fire department
if you see a candle burning. I don't really think that our Lord is interested
in your problems with Idea.
What do you do when you have real problems instead of a minor inconvenience
of having to use ant externally?

Remember this is a "community" forum. If you want quick support then contact
the support (link prominently displayed on JetBrains home page).

Tom wrote:
>> I want to get answer as quickly as possible

Please read http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html and try
to understand.



Evans Zhang wrote:

I want to get answer as quickly as possible but here reply often very slow. so I like ask concisely and title noticeable and had to reply myself after a longtime waiting

That's the point. Everybody wants to get an answer as quickly possible, but most people do
not start to spam pointless "oh my god" and "stupid IDEA" messages. Even with considering
the language barrier you appear as very impolite. Other people also have problems (that
happen to be much worse), but they do "play by the rules", which I highly recommend you to
do as well.



just a minor inconvenience?
yes, I run ant in DOS windows
But I am curious what is the reason?
I can write java program by notepad, why use Intellij? It promise 'develop with pleasure'.
Reading wrong char by wrong encoding is it a pleasure?
I pursuit prefect so ask it here. are not you?
Maybe you do not think your product is still not prefct but think the user is captious. Is it right?


just a minor inconvenience?


yes, I run ant in DOS windows
But I am curious what is the reason?

The reason is that Idea does not display chinese characters correctly in the ant tool window.

I can write java program by notepad

Please do that!

Reading wrong char by wrong encoding is it a pleasure?

Don't you enjoy some intellectual challenges?

I pursuit prefect so ask it here. are not you?

No, I am not a prefect. Never have been. In fact I was elected once in school, but declined.

Maybe you do not think your product is still not prefct but think the user is captious. Is it right?

It's not my product. I am in no way affiliated with JetBrains.

Yes, I think you are captious. I did not know the word, but the first google result
described you quite well:
"The most common among those are captious individuals who can find nothing wrong
with their own actions but everything wrong with the actions of everybody else. "

In case you did not get it: There's a chinese translations of the article posted
earlier: http://www.fengnet.com/smart-questions.html


"I can write java program by notepad, why use Intellij? It promise 'develop with pleasure'."

The problem is that you constantly post about things that you think are a bug when you really just don't know what you're doing. You've also posted that you only use three features of IntelliJ. To add insult to injury, you come up with he most inflamatory subject lines you can think of. Consequently, it's hard to take you seriously when you post anything since it's pretty clear to everyone reading it that you have put little thought into what you are saying.

That said, I don't doubt you are having a problem displaying chinese characters in your ant build window. B ut is it necessary to act as if the sky is falling because of it? The developers of IntelliJ aren't americans or brits and english isn't their native language so it's a safe bet they have made this work for more than just english.

Use your brain before you post, please.


Hi Evans,
I am a Chinese. :)
I think you make some mistakes with settings. I can not reproduce your problem. Please take a look at my attachment. If you have any question, you can contact me with my MSN: linux_china@hotmail.com, and I think I can give you an answer.


my problem helop intellij to be more prefect, them should say 'thank you' to me.
why you do not research this encoding problem this post asked but waste we time to debate? why you and others read this post? I do not like you, you are faineant, dog shit, garbage, get out please from this post!


My title of post is headed with 'oh, my god...' but not 'oh, shit....'
do you know what is humour?
I think you have only ass but no brain?


you do not what is humour?
only the intelligent man can be humour


this is the only right reply!
I ask you help, in the same time, I help you to improve your product.
why those silly guys only are interested with "oh, my god" but do not interested what I asked?
them are humourless, stupid, unfriendly.
customer is god! really? them should treat customer such way?


I have know the reason.
For .jad file being utf-8 encoding, I set the IDE/General/File Encoding/Default encoding to UTF-8.
When I set it to System Default or GBK, the message window show chinese word correctly!
Thank you all who try to help me!
But I disdain those who do not help me but jaw-jaw 'politeness'.
Do not talk with me in commanding and superiority complex manner. I have known elegance,culture, politeness, urbane when I was in elementary school. But do you know what is 'humour' if you even misunderstand 'oh my god' and 'only 3 features'?


you are a ??
please google the word you do not know...




only the intelligent man can be humour

You obviously can't: you are angry, affronting, aggressive and want others
to jump when you scream. Looks like you don't have much friends with this



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