[#657:BUG] idea657.exe


the native Installer in idea657.exe does not configure the system property
-Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true in idea.lax.
Without disabling direct draw in java2d the transparent mode of floating
does not operate on win2k systems.
Appending "lax.nl.java.option.additional" with -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true
solved the problem on my machine.

- Roland

Permanently deleted user

I have never been able to get transparency to work under Idea. What tool
windows exactly are supposed to be transparent?

"Roland Foerther" <roland.foerther@100world.com> wrote in message



the native Installer in idea657.exe does not configure the system property
-Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true in idea.lax.
Without disabling direct draw in java2d the transparent mode of floating
does not operate on win2k systems.
Appending "lax.nl.java.option.additional"

ith -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true

solved the problem on my machine.


- Roland



Have you tried these steps?

- Make sure you have "-Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true" as a JVM argument
- Turn transparency options on in IDE Settings - Appearance
- Open a tool window (say the Structure one)
- Click the Float option in the upper right hand corner of the tool window (it looks like 2 overlapping squares)
- Now click back in the editor or on another tool window
- The floating Structure window should fade transparent according to the settings you selected.

Hope that helps!


Permanently deleted user

Great, works like a charm, thanks.

"Tobin Juday" <tsjuday@checkfree.com> wrote in message

Have you tried these steps?


- Make sure you have "-Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true" as a JVM argument
- Turn transparency options on in IDE Settings - Appearance
- Open a tool window (say the Structure one)
- Click the Float option in the upper right hand corner of the tool

window (it looks like 2 overlapping squares)

- Now click back in the editor or on another tool window
- The floating Structure window should fade transparent according to the

settings you selected.

Hope that helps!



Permanently deleted user

I found that noddraw=true is no longer nec. in 1.4.1.
Has anyone else found this, or the opposite?

Christopher A. Longo wrote:

Great, works like a charm, thanks.

"Tobin Juday" <tsjuday@checkfree.com> wrote in message

>>Have you tried these steps?
>> - Make sure you have "-Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true" as a JVM argument
>> - Turn transparency options on in IDE Settings - Appearance
>> - Open a tool window (say the Structure one)
>> - Click the Float option in the upper right hand corner of the tool

window (it looks like 2 overlapping squares)

>> - Now click back in the editor or on another tool window
>> - The floating Structure window should fade transparent according to the

settings you selected.

>>Hope that helps!



"Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer.
There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris."
- Larry Wall

Permanently deleted user

I took it out and still get transparency. Is transparency used anywhere
else in the app?

"Erb" <dont@evenbother.com> wrote in message

I found that noddraw=true is no longer nec. in 1.4.1.
Has anyone else found this, or the opposite?


Christopher A. Longo wrote:

Great, works like a charm, thanks.


"Tobin Juday" <tsjuday@checkfree.com> wrote in message

>>Have you tried these steps?
>> - Make sure you have "-Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true" as a JVM argument
>> - Turn transparency options on in IDE Settings - Appearance
>> - Open a tool window (say the Structure one)
>> - Click the Float option in the upper right hand corner of the tool

window (it looks like 2 overlapping squares)

>> - Now click back in the editor or on another tool window
>> - The floating Structure window should fade transparent according to



settings you selected.

>>Hope that helps!






"Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer.
There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris."
- Larry Wall



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