J2EE Connector Architecture + EAR
I am trying to package a JCA RAR inside an EAR but there doesnt seem to be an IntelliJ module that will allow me to do this. Am I missing something (I dont typically work with J2EE EAR/EJB).
We've got an EJB module and two JCA resources that we want built. (J2EE 1.3, Weblogic 8.1 SP4, IDEA 4.5).
Unfortunately, if I use an EJB module it requires the EJB xml descriptors to exist or define at least 1 EJB.
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The only way I could find to do it was to use an ant script to build my project.
I created a feature request for allowing archives and files other than EJB or Web modules to be added to the Application module so please vote on it if you need it.
Will do.
I finally got something going. I had to do the RAR resource renaming in one of the EJBs. I have attached a brief description of my project incase someone else runs into the same situation. The only way I could get the JARs to be deployed where I wanted them was to have them as dependancies as part of an EJB.
I'm curious why the ALT-DD tag in application.xml is so crippled. If anything, it should be the JNDI names that should be overwritten, not the generic deployment descriptor. Because of that, I had to create 2 new projects and deploy 2 additional jars, instead of a single jar for the component and deploy the same component multiple times in the application.xml.
All common libraries stored in the EAR module APP-INF/lib directory
weblogic 8.1sp4 jar
Java Module:MyCommonCode
finds and inits log4j using the log4j.properties
loads Properties files using streams
uses Thread classloader, then Logging.class classloader to find the file
Library -> MyProjectLevelLibrary
Java Module:MyResourceAdapter
Module Settings -> Dependancies -> MyCommonCode
Library -> MyProjectLevelLibrary
Library -> Weblogic (needed for J2EE bindings)
Java Module:MyBatchResourceAdapterOnPort4000
Module Settings -> Dependancies -> MyResourceAdapter
Module Settings -> Order/Export -> MyResourceAdapter
Java Module:MySyncResourceAdapterOnPort4004
Module Settings -> Dependancies -> MyResourceAdapter
Module Settings -> Order/Export -> MyResourceAdapter
EJB Module:MyEJB
Library -> MyProjectLevelLibrary
Library -> Weblogic
J2EE Build Settings -> EJB Module Jar File -> MyEJB.jar
Module Settings -> Dependancies -> MyBatchResourceAdapterOnPort4000
Module Settings -> Dependancies -> MySyncResourceAdapterOnPort4004
Library -> MyProjectLevelLibrary
EJB Module Settings -> Packaging -> MyBatchResourceAdapterOnPort4000
JAR module, link via manifest, copy to relative path: /MyRAR-X.rar
EJB Module Settings -> Packaging -> MySyncResourceAdapterOnPort4004
JAR module, link via manifest, copy to relative path: /MyRAR-Y.rar
EJB Module Settings -> Packaging -> MyCommonCode
JAR module, link via manifest, copy to relative path: /APP-INF/lib/MyCommonCode.rar
EJB Module Settings -> Packaging -> MyResourceAdapter
JAR module, link via manifest, copy to relative path: /APP-INF/lib/MyResourceAdapter.jar
EJB Module Settings -> Packaging -> MyProjectLevelLibrary
Link via manifest, copy to relative path: /APP-INF/lib
Application Module: MyEAR
J2EE Application Module Settings -> Modules and libraries -> MyEJB
Include module in build, relative path: MyEJB.jar
Road to discovery, it works!!! MyEJB.jar MyRAR-X MyRAR-Y J2EE Build Settings -> Application Archive ->]]> MyEAR.ear
What my previous post just goes to highlight is that there HAS to be an easier way to set things up. As it is, I cannot create an APP-INF/classes. Slightly more additional flexibility is needed over how things get packaged.