Less files location for path resolution
Currently if I include less files in other files with say string:
@import '/lib/bootstrap3/less/mixins';
It will resolve (find and check) path only if /lib is located in root folder, otherwise it will underline the path with red.
I'm able to compile such files with standard less plugin and filewatcher by adding option --include-path to less executable.
So the question is it possible to force IDE to resolve paths in *.less includes relative not root projet folder but other?
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Hi there,
Is it still located within the project or outside?
In any case: http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-7452
Thanks, marking as Resouce Root works.
I have the following structure:
I marked front-app as Resource Root
application.less has
@import '/styles/common.less'
after it was marke the path is not underlined with red but to be compiled it is still requires --include-path for lessc.cmd:
Arguments: --no-color --include-path="$ProjectFileDir$/front-app" $FileName$
Without --include-path it errors.
Is it exptected? Can I get rid of need of the --include-path?
It's lessc itself who does compilation and not PhpStorm. You can see exact command if you choose to show console to "Always".
lessc (LESS compiler) needs to know where to search for such included files.
I gave you the link to the related ticket already. Will give it again: http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-7452
You could try this, if you want:
@include '../styles/common.less'
try to re-organize your your folder structure and make it simpler (if it's possible, of course).