Tomcat 5.5.4 support with Idea 4.0
I m using Tomcat 5.5.4. Is that version supported by Idea 4.0.
Specifically does it support debugging of applications running on tomcat 5.5.4?
If yes please specify the build. If not then when can that be expected ??
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Sorry for the mistake in above question.
The Idea version is 4.5.1 (build #2239).
Pulin wrote:
Please use IDEA 4.5.3 build 2250, we've tested it with Tomcat 5.5.4 and
it worked fine.
Serge Baranov
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
I have successfully upgraded to 4.5.3(build 2250).
But when i try to debug my tomcat 5.5.4 application, I get the following message :
Connected to server
Failed to establish connection to the target VM at '' using socket transport.
Process not started.
Unable to launch target VM : "Connection refused: connect"
Can you please help me to enable debugging my application.
I am using Idea 4.5.3(build 2250). Can someone please tell me if it is possible to debug my application running on Tomcat 5.5.4 in Idea.
When i tried to do so, i got the error as mentioned :
Connected to server
Failed to establish connection to the target VM at '' using socket transport.
Process not started.
Unable to launch target VM : "Connection refused: connect"
Please tell me how to do it. Also if it is not possible to debug, please do tell me so.
It sounds like you are trying to remote debug a server. Was the server
started with the correct debug parameters (specifying the port, type of
transport, etc). Is the server protected with a firewall?
If you are using this for development, you would be much happier with
launching TC5 from within IJ.
Norris Shelton
Sun Certified Java Programmer
Pulin wrote:
>I am using Idea 4.5.3(build 2250). Can someone please tell me if it is possible to debug my application running on Tomcat 5.5.4 in Idea.
>When i tried to do so, i got the error as mentioned :
>Connected to server
>Failed to establish connection to the target VM at '' using socket transport.
>Process not started.
>Unable to launch target VM : "Connection refused: connect"
>Please tell me how to do it. Also if it is not possible to debug, please do tell me so.
Thanks for the prompt reply.
Yes, i have been trying to use the remote facility available in TC. But i have also tried using the local debugging facility without any success, although my application is on my local machine.
Also since the TC 5.5.4 does not start witha catalina.bat file, unlike previous versions, I dont know how to start the TC from within IJ.
Can you please give me your inputs.
Hello Pulin,
We've tested IDEA with Tomcat 5.5.4 local configuration and it worked fine,
you just need to download zipped Tomcat distribution which contains the
same startup and shutdown scripts as previous Tomcat versions:
Serge Baranov
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"