JSP EL help
Anybody here familiar with JSP EL, especially when using <c:if> tags from the JSTL? I'm trying to test if a parameter exists, but the expression is always evaluating to true within the c:if tag, even tho it's false.
For instance:
inside if ${param.hellothere != null]]>
I'm using Tomcat 5. Anybody here know why the c:if tag would evaluate it as true, when the expression clearly returns false?
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of course, that code should look like this:
not sure, that is some funky behavior. You may want to try something like:
<c:if test='${not empty param.helloThere}'>...</c:if>
I just figured it out. I was importing my tag library definitions with a <jsp:include> tag instead of a <%@ include %> static include, so my taglibs weren't actually active.
Thanks for that great link btw!