Exporting External Tools
Hey guys,
I've just setup a couple of external tools for use in the work place. I want to share these with my colleagues without having to export all of my tools. Is there a way to export/share specific tools?
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Hi there,
Each group is saved in separate .xml file. So if you organize your entries correctly, you will be able to easily share that/those group(s) only.
On Windows 7 for PhpStorm v6 it will be typically stored in C:\Users\USERNAME\.WebIde60\config\tools folder. For other IDEs/OS check this document: http://devnet.jetbrains.com/docs/DOC-181 (P.S. WebStorm may keep it in .WebStormXX (or similarly named) folder)
THat's perfect. I was exporting a 'jar' settings file with tools selected. This makes far more sense :)
This is no longer working! I can't export External Tools on WebStorm 2022.3.2!
It used to work in the past, I'm not sure when it stopped supporting it.
Is this a bug, or intentional?
@Angelos Pikoulas
A bug. Should be fixed in next major 2023.1 version (and should be included in 2022.3.3 if there will be such)
Thanks - I asked a question on there, please attend to it - regards!