Cannot Create Directory
A newb question:
I've been trying to make a subdirectory in the project panel - I tried right clicking and AltInsert, but there is no way to create a new directory. I tried checking the help file but it says AltInsert, right clicking or Edit>New>Directory.. but I can't seem to do it.
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"aldous bernardo" <> wrote in message
right clicking and Alt+Insert, but there is no way to create a new
directory. I tried checking the help file but it says Alt+Insert, right
clicking or Edit>New>Directory.. but I can't seem to do it.
You are probably trying to create a directory where it can't be created,
e.g. inside jar file. If this is not the case, please provide some more
Thanks Eugene!
I'm trying to create a subdirectory inside my Project directory. I want to create a subdirectory where I can place like XML or other resource files. Just a plain project :)
This is normal behavior.
The directory you selected is a source package, therefore you select 'new package'. It will create a directory for the package.
Does it mean that a package is also the same as a directory? I tried using add new package- But I found that classes store inside the package have a package declaration.
Several directories can map to the same package, but a directory can only have classes from one package.
There was quite a bit of discussion about this on the EAP forum, as this limitation was not there in IDEA 3.