SWT palete in UIDesigner? Permanently deleted user Created August 14, 2003 11:51 Hello,Is is planed to add SWT toolbar in UIDesigner like Swing toolbar?Thanks!
Architecturally SWT is too much different from Swing so I don't think it's
that easy.
"Alexey Efimov" <aefimov@spklabs.com> wrote in message
I just look on UIDesigner toolbar since 879 - it a tabbed pane, i hope, that not only Swing will supported.
Will be nice if in UIDesigner toolbar will "Swing", "AWT" and "Custom" tabs :)
Alexey Efimov
Does anybody still care about AWT?
I guess the "Swing" tab contains standard Swing components. Other tabs may
contain custom components you can add there.
"Alexey Efimov" <aefimov@spklabs.com> wrote in message
that not only Swing will supported.
tabs :)
Sergei S. Ivanov wrote:
Yes when you write applets, since IE = 99% of the browsers you must
support java 1.1. It's very boring but I think there is no other choice
I think.
Yuck. That sucks.