Breakpoints not working with WebStorm and Chrome.
This is really a continuation of, but I am starting a new discussion because the problem is different. First, some details of my development environment:
WebStorm 5.0.4 with webide.jar fix described here:
Google Chrome Version 24.0.1312.52 m
JetBrains Chrome extension 0.3.11
Windows XP SP3
My device under test and my PC are on a corporate intranet under the same subnet. My WebStorm project is in a shared directory on my PC. The device I am connecting to has a built-in web server. Underneath it is running QNX as the operating system. I'm using CIFS (formerly Samba) to link the webserver home directory to the shared folder on my PC, so the device is serving the same files WebStorm is editing. This configuration worked well with 5.0.2.
When I debug, the local files are being served by the device. WebStorm confirms that it is connected to the JetBrains Chrome Extention. Under the debug configuration, I tried using the hostname, hostname plus full domain, and the IP address. In all cases, WebStorm properly opens a new tab with the correct web page, but it will NOT stop on a breakpoint. What can I do to get WebStorm to recognize the breakpoint? I do not want our team stuck on 5.0.2 forever.
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Could you try WebStorm 6 EAP ( (note: chrome extension will be updated to 0.4.12, specify custom profile (Settings -> Chrome -> Settings -> Use customr profile directory) and close running Chrome to keep old extensions for 5.0.4)?
The EAP version does not break, either.
Please file issue ( and attach idea log (Help -> Reveal Log in), chrome extension log (see How do I know what's wrong? , copy console tab content).
Have same problem :
Windows 8 - WebStorm 6 - Chrome24.0.1312.57 m
BreakPoints are listed and you can jump to them but execution never stops at a breakpoint.
Please see my prev message. Do you see JetBrains Chrome Extension in chrome://extensions/ ?
Yes the extension is there and it is working as any console logging in my scripts correctly shows up in WebStorms console, so Chrome and WebStorm are connected.
Please attach you idea log (Help -> Reveal Log in). Is it remote debug or local? May be remote mapping is not configured?
Hi there,
I upgraded to latest WS release WS-126.159 and installed the latest plugin from Chrome store, that has improved things.
Now the debugger stops at the breakpoint but on the wrong line.
My breakpoint is on line 112 and it stops on line 150.
Log file is attached.
The files and webserver are on my local pc and I access it via the ip rather than 'localhost' abd I have mapped the app root so there is no warnings when launching the debugger, console logging seems fine just breakpoints are wrong.
Could you attach test project?
Do you mean just the .idea folder or the whole html/js/css project contents?
I mean the whole html/js/css project contents (it is only one fast way how I can reproduce). (But if you cannot send me test project for some reasons, well, please see "How do I know what's wrong?")
Project is too big really and includes aspx and sql server.... unless I can create smtg to reproduce it.
Anyway in the meantime I enabled dev mode in chrome and noticed this:
IN ["Debugger","sendCommand",[447,{"id":1,"method":"Debugger.enable","params":{}}]] browser-ext-platform.js:496
DC 447 Debugger.enable browser-ext-platform.js:496
IN ["Debugger","enableConsole",[447]] browser-ext-platform.js:496
IN ["Debugger","sendCommand",[447,{"id":4,"method":"Debugger.setBreakpointByUrl","params":{"condition":"","urlRegex":"^http:\/\/10\\.0\\.1\\.4\/WMJ1053\/app\/core\/js\/cm\\.plugins\\.form\\.js([?#].*)?$","lineNumber":111}}]] browser-ext-platform.js:496
IN ["Debugger","navigate",[447,"",true]]
The line number above shows as 111 but my breakpoint is definitely on 112.
111 is the function, 112 is the first line inside the function.
line 150 which is where it actually stops is the next executable line out side the function i.e.
function MyFormClass(){
function MyTargetFunction(){
var breakpoint_line = 'xx';
function some otherFunction(){
var the_line_it_actually_stops_on='vvv'
OK ran some more test and this is what I found.
I tried other files and all had the same problem, i misses the line and goes to some line at a higher level in the structure.
But when I tried multile breakpoints in different files all at the same time I found the problem only occurs in the file containing the very first breakpoint, after that all the others are ok.
I can change it around but whatever is the first file with a breakpoint in it has the error and all others subsequently are ok.
Thanks, we will investigate the problem.
About 112 vs 111 — it is normal. We display line number for you as 1-based, but internally it is 0-based.