PHPStorm 5 code completion
Hello everybody!
Code completion stopped working for lot of classes in my project after upgrade my PHPStorm to 5th version.
Example attached.
But if I type existing method or param name and press it with Control button - system redirects me to the existing method code without any problems (unfortunatlly I can't demonstrate it with a screenshot).
I tried to find "Reindex" function but not found it. Also I tried to close and open IDE for few times. It not helped. Any suggestions?
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Hi Dima,
The "reindex" action can be invoked via File | Invalidate Caches...
...maybe i'm wrong - but isn't the variable name missing in the PHPDoc comment?
Variable name is required for local variables (to specify what you are actually declaring here), but not for class variables (as such comment goes just before the variable declaration).
Thank you :)
Thank you Andriy!
This is helped.
I am having a similar issue but it's with phing build xml file. I have tried to invalidate the caches but that doesn't seem to help.
I am currently creating a phing type. code completion would be nice especially for the boolean values and maybe others.
the type php file is in the same folder as the build file. I even tried to copy some code from one of the default types and that doesn't work when I add it to the type I am creating. is what I am trying to do possible? or is there a setting I have to turn on?
Hi Swapnil,
Ideally you would like to create new/separate thread for your issue as it could be completely different to what other people in this thread having.
In any case -- where do you have the code completion issue (if that is the actual issue) -- in PHP file or .xml file? If in PHP:
Hey Andriy,
I thought about starting a new thread, but I thought the issues were related. in any case,
I am having the code completion issue in the .xml file
when I create a fileset tag with casesensitive or defaultexcludes attributes the code completion is extremly help because I don't have to go to look at the code / phing user guide.
Screenshot from 2012-09-24 11:28:59.png
So it is about completion in Phing's build.xml file -- definitely worth a separate thread -- it may simply not be implemented/supported yet (my build files are rather pretty basic -- only built in functionality is used).
Sorry, cannot help more than this -- you need more qualified person (better -- corresponding developer) to answer it.
Hey Andriy,
I thought about starting a new thread, but I thought the issues were related. in any case,
I am having the code completion issue in the .xml file
when I create a fileset tag with casesensitive or defaultexcludes attributes the code completion is extremly help because I don't have to go to look at the code / phing user guide.
Installing the 5.0.2 EAP solved it for me!