Closing a task in phpStorm.

Why is it that I can't close a task after I've completed it inside phpStorm?

We have been using YouTrack for a little while now as a private bug tracker between myself and another programmer. I love being able to pull a task from YouTrack, have it set the status of the work to in progress etc. What I can't do is push that state back and have phpStorm drop the task once I'm done working on it. I then start to collect a large list of tasks in the tasks list, making it harder to find the ones that I'm actively working on and forcing me to manually remove the finished tasks.

Am I missing a step that will allow me to declare the task complete so that it gets removed from my tasks list automatically when I push code to the repo or something like that? It seems broken to have to Select the task from the task list and then remove it.

Ok, so basically. Is there anyone out there that uses tasks that might have some pointers for me. :) Or are the tasks features just not all that fleshed out?



I might be missing the point because i dont use YouTrack, but the normal way i would go about removing a task would be to click on the task dropdown menu to open it, use the down arrow to highlight the task i wanted to remove, use the right arrow to open the secondary menu, and select REMOVE


Nope that's exactly what I have to do as well!

My question is why is there not a way to close the task so that in YouTrack it shows the bug as fixed and then Auto Removes the Task from phpStorm.

It already allows you to set a Youtrack based task to "In Progress" when you take it. I'm just wishing/hoping or the same type of interaction but on the other end of the Task. ;)



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