What's more - I added a file from .gitignore via console, then went back to the IDE and tried to commit my changes, but the IDE popped an error that it cannot commit files from ignore list... So looks like now there is no way to commit an ignored file from the IDE which is not good :( Could you please add the feature to force add ignored files?
What's more - I added a file from .gitignore via console, then went back to the IDE and tried to commit my changes, but the IDE popped an error that it cannot commit files from ignore list...
So looks like now there is no way to commit an ignored file from the IDE which is not good :( Could you please add the feature to force add ignored files?
Hello Nick,
You're welcome to submit a request about supporting "add -f" to our issue tracker: http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/dashboard/IDEA#newissue=yes
Issue added WI-9842