Hooking Up PHPUnit To VM Machine?

I was wondering how I would be able to hook up a PhpStorm to run PHPUnit test from a Virtual Machine.  I have tried to set it up like I though I did before with sftp and testing the connection to the server, everything is fine however when I try to run the configuration, nothing happens.  No error messages, nothing in the event log, just nothing.  Anyone have any tips to help me or need anything from me to try to help me?


"PHPUnit on Server" run configuration ? Worked OK for me in v2 (have not tried in v3, as it was for "testing/see-if-it-works-for-me" only -- all development is done locally on Windows machine).

If you have problems with setting it up -- please provide details on what you have tried (screenshots are extremely welcome in such situations).

Small side note: There are issues with debugging "PHPUnit on Server" configuration, which is already fied for next public build (will be available in 3.0.1): http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/WI-8355?projectKey=WI


Well I am running v3 so are you saying this will not working until the next update?


Just running PHPUnit tests should work fine. That ticket is about debugging only.


Here is a short video (about 45 seconds) with my configuration options and issue:


Also not sure if this matter, but this code is not accessible through the browser, it is backend code.


You also need to specify Debug server on Remote tab of the run configuration. Without specifying one (like you have "<no server>") I have exactly the same behaviour (no reaction from PhpStorm at all). After specifying it works just fine for me.


Could of swore I didn't have that last time (would be nice to have an error message of that somewhere though).

Next issue is that I am getting this error:

Failed to retrieve test results from the server at 'http://silex.rzdev.com/vendor/apexdal/apexdal/tests/_intellij_phpunit_launcher.php'.

The issue is that those test are not accessible from the website and since this is backend code, it shouldn't be.  the test are located:


But the website is served through


Is there anyway to run unit test that are on a "remote" server but not accessible through a url?

Could of swore I didn't have that last time (would be nice to have an error message of that somewhere though).

Yep -- error message would be good indeed: http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issues/WI#newissue=yes

Is there anyway to run unit test that are on a "remote" server but not accessible through a url?

TBH -- no idea. I think there was request like that .. but I cannot find it (maybe because ot was not PHPUnit related, but debugging PHP script remotely in general).

In any case -- only solution I can think of right now is to create symbolic link to make that path wen accessible (or somehow alter the paths (absolute paths maybe) in xml config file).

If no luck -- I would submit a new Feature Request ticket (but run trought existing tickets first: http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issues/WI?q=%23{PHP+test}


Looks like I am going to have to wait until 3.0.1 for phpunit 3.6 support.  Any excepted release date for that version?


Looks like I am going to have to wait until 3.0.1 for phpunit 3.6 support.  Any excepted release date for that version?


No idea -- only JB staff knows it :) . Theoretically, it should be before Christmas (but that just my own speculation).


Already fixed for next EAP, and you're correct 3.0.1 is scheduled "before Christmas"


Is that EAP available for download?


Not yet, it will be published in a week.


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