Hi there,new to PHPStorm

Double Deployment on Local File and PHP storm.

hi there,current i have two problem with phpstorm,how can I do a double deployment on fileserver and phpstorm?Any ideas?

By the way,for any wordpress packages,is there a way to get a latest version of the packages through GIT hub?

Can you recommend me some of the must have plugins for web designer?


On plugins: CSS-X-Fire may interest you if you like using Firebug.


On "Double Deployment" - sorry I can't understand the idea. Please elaborate. Where the files are, where the servers are, what are you trying to acheive - both locally and remotely.


If by "Double Deployment" you mean uploading to more than one server, there is the "Upload to..." option in the right click menu with the file selected.

There will also be the "Upload to myserver.com"  which will point to the default server but if you add other servers they will be availalbe too.

Add other servers by going to

And add another server.  as long as the "Mappings" are set to a location, then your server should appear in the "Upload to..." dialog.

Permanently deleted user

Thanks with regards to double deployment I have a concern,

how do a deploy a local copy of wordpress and my host at the same time.

Won't it have issues of conflicting password and database and stuff like tha?

Permanently deleted user

What I do, is to have my my MySQL password and database the same both locally and remotely. I've setup locally so that the http document root is the place where I save my project files. I have then setup phpStorm so that 'upload on save' occurs.

Remote Deployment can upload your files and folders automatically when you save them. Once you enable this option in Settings | Remote Deployment | Options dialog you’ll never be bothered with uploading your files manually. If you also have ‘Save files on frame deactivation’ enabled in IDE Settings | General dialog, all you need is to switch to the browser and refresh the page — and your latest changes are right there! Files and folders renaming and moving is handled as well.


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