extreem lag when editing large .ini files


I'm currently using PHP Storm 2.0.  When I'm working in .ini files (e.g. where I configure my forms .. I work with Zend Framework).  When the file gets larger than 100 lines, the IDE gets extremly slow for that file.  When I switch to another file, e.g. my controller, the IDE just works normal again.
I don't know if this is a bug or why the program does this, but it's actually really frustrating.

Does anyone know maybe a solution for it?



Hi Maarten,

You can start with capturing performance snapshot (for a duration of 30 seconds or more, as described in http://devnet.jetbrains.net/docs/DOC-192) and attaching it here. This as well as specifying your computer & OS specs should give some info for developers to look into the issue.


To be honest, I tried it but the Java program that is needed to preform the testing just doesn't want to complete the installation, don't really know what's wrong.
Now, what I've noticed is that when I'm in my INI file, the memory heap goes up to 260MB, where as in a large PHP file it stays at 50 - 60 MB

This is my setup

Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit
Intel i7 CPU 930 @ 2.8 Ghz
6 GB of RAM

If I just open the .ini file in Notepad++ it works perfectly


You don't need a program, just add
line in the bin\PhpStorm.exe.vmoptions file.

Enable CPU recording via toolbar button, then perform slow editing actions, then press the button again to stop recording. CPU snanpshot will be saved into the user profile directory, upload it to the FTP.


I uploaded the files at ftp://ftp.intellij.net/.uploads/

I hope you can do something with them.


Thanks, I've submitted http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/WI-5389 so that you can track the progress.

Permanently deleted user

Maarten, could you please attach the .ini files there?


Attached to this message you can find an example .ini file


Do you map ini to text file type ? Does switching spellchecker helps?
Also please capture / attach CPU snasphot with latest PHPStorm 2.1 EAP #444


I'll give that a try, thanks!


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