Hi Quadro Val,

PhpStorm definitely has something similar implemented: not exactly "match closing tag" -- rather highlighting the same variable/tag. I can clearly see matches on your 2nd screenshot (PhpStorm one). The problem is -- the colour of matched tag is very similar to the HTML tag background. Change the background colour in File | Settings | Editor | Colors & Fonts | General | Search result to something different (like green background) and see the results.

On another hand -- PhpStorm can highlight matching opening/closing bracket/brace (it's just you have to place cursor before opening < or after closing > symbols -- see  File | Settings | Editor | Colors & Fonts | General | Matched brace).

You can also use Ctrl+[ and Ctrl+] to jump between opening and closing tags (officially it's called "Move caret to code block start/end").


Hi Andriy.
Thanks for reply.
>>I can clearly see matches on your 2nd screenshot
Unfortunately you can see all matches of this kind of tag but not the spcific one. Let me show you

Closing tag is not defined properly sometimes

>>File | Settings | Editor | Colors & Fonts | General | Search result
this didn't take any affect for me in html

>>File | Settings | Editor | Colors & Fonts | General | Matched brace
I haven't found this setting , I use this version http://my.jetscreenshot.com/2591/20101102-fl8p-27kb


Hi Quadro Val,

>> I can clearly see matches on your 2nd screenshot
Unfortunately you can see all matches of this kind of tag but not the spcific one.

Yes, that is correct -- that's what I originally said: "highlighting the same variable/tag". I should have explained myself better (sorry about that -- it was like 2AM here).

If you think that this still does not satisfy your needs then please have a look at these tickets:
.. or create your own feature request:

Closing tag is not defined properly sometimes

Works fine for me all the time. But I'm using EAP build (v2 beta) -- it must be improved since v1.

You can try it yourself, but keep in mind -- it's a beta and sometimes builds having some performance/stability issues. Just backup your ".WebIde10" folder (located in your user home) -- the settings/file formats are not guaranteed to be backward compatible.

>>File | Settings | Editor | Colors & Fonts | General | Search result
this didn't take any affect for me in html

Yep -- my mistake. Just checked again -- correct style is "Identifier under caret".

>>File | Settings | Editor | Colors & Fonts | General | Matched brace
I haven't found this setting , I use this version http://my.jetscreenshot.com/2591/20101102-fl8p-27kb

That's possible as I'm using v2 beta. But I think it should be there -- just scroll down a bit (to double check) -- in v2 it's right after Followed hyperlink style.


Tanks Andriy!
That tickets will solve my issue when they would be implemented, but I guess it will not be soon =)

Permanently deleted user

Setting the style for Matched Braces seems to be a bit flakey.
I swore I set it just yesterday.
But now I cannot find it even in the location you specify.
In the selection list, "Followed hyperlink" is followed by "TODO defaults".
I hope it is my memory and not a bug.


Just checked in latest EAP build (PS-103.8) @ Settings | Editor | Colors & Fonts | General:
Followed hyperlink
Matched brace
Unmatched brace
TODO defaults

Unfortunately I cannot say why you are unable to see these entries. Maybe (just maybe) your profile/settings got corrupted...


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