24th December build of EAP
Well, new EAP and new issues with debug :)
Now when I start debugging it doesn't stop at break points at all. It happend after switching from deprecated as PhpStorm told debug to new "web application" issue.
And what I have also noticed: if before I had only 2 tabs while debugging - now they are propagated like microbs :)
thanks for the answer :)
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Hello Yuriy,
You have a problem with mappings. Please read the answer for the same problem http://devnet.jetbrains.net/message/5281742#5281742
Have you tried the "listen for debug connections" button?
Some info about it and xdebug browser bookmarklets - http://blogs.jetbrains.com/webide/2010/12/phpstorm-webstorm-2-0-eap-build-100-32/
Current behaviour - separate tab for every debugger incoming connection. Do you use ajax in your application?
Thank you for feedback!
Thanks. Listen or connections helped.