IE XMLDOM function nodeFromID and the field xml are unresolved
Hi guys!
My version is Webstorm 1.0.2 WS-95.503
xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
xmlDoc.async = "false";
in javascript to parse XHTML with IE8 like that:
innerHTML = xml.nodeFromID("ID").xml;
xmlDoc.nodeFromID("ID") is a function equivalent to getElementById in normal XHTML DOM
xml is a field in every IXMLDomElement
Webstorm does not recognize them, gives "Unresolved function or method" error and there is no option to switch off the check for the affected elements or add the missing functions and fields to some custom template.
I already posted a bug
In the meantime, do you know some way to workaround that?
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