HTML/PHP Comment Block
In the IDE I'm swapping from I can block comment out mixed html/php code by selecting the code and pressing Ctrl+/
I noticed when installing 95.273 this feature had improved a lot :) awesome. It picked up the mixed code and commented where appropriate.
However I was wondering if the start and end of the selected block were html or php, it could use that languages start/end comment tag. Poor explanation sorry. 2 examples below:
Example 1:
Select this code and press Ctrl+/
<div> <?php echo 'foo'; ?> </div>
You get this:
<!--<div>--><?php //echo 'foo';?><!--</div>-->
Could there be an option so we just get this code:
<!-- <div> <?php echo 'foo'; ?> </div> -->
Example 2:
Select this code and press Ctrl+/
echo 'foo';
?> <strong>moo</strong> <?php
echo 'bar';
You get this:
//echo 'foo';
//?><!-- <strong>moo</strong> --><?php
////echo 'bar';
Should it be:
/* echo 'foo';
?> <strong>moo</strong> <?php
echo 'bar'; */
Is this possible?
Thank you.
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We're working on commenter improvements, should be better in the next version.
Sorry I can't say for this specific case, please feel free to submit a bug report at
There is no such option, please file YourTrack ticket for that.
Btw, I assume you tried Control + Shift + / for block comments.