Fluid style/chained select() statement in Zend Framework yields warning
I noticed that when I construct a chained call to generate a query using Zend_Db, the IDE seems to improperly detect a wrong class type being passed to the next function.
For example:
$select = $this->select(); // this is detected as Zend_Db_Table_Select
$select->where('orientation = ?', $orientation) // function inherited from Zend_Db_Select
->limit($count) // function inherited from Zend_Db_Select
->order('activity_id DESC'); // function inherited from Zend_Db_Select
return $this->fetchAll($select); // inherited from Zend_Db_Table
works fine, and everything checks out (no warnings or errors).
However, I get a type warning with the following:
$select = $this->select() // function defined in Zend_Db_Table_Select
->where('orientation = ?', $orientation) // function inherited from Zend_Db_Select
->limit($count) // function inherited from Zend_Db_Select
->order('activity_id DESC'); // function inherited from Zend_Db_Select
return $this->fetchAll($select);
It appears that WI is checking the subsequent chained calls for return value when it is the $this->select() object that should be referenced. Note that Zend_Db_Table_Select extends Zend_Db_Select.
Is this a bug?
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Please provide the signature of class referenced by $this and the version of ZendFramework you are using, so we can reproduce your case for investigation.
Here's the basic class definition using Zend Framework 1.10
class Application_Model_Resources_Activity extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
* The default table name
protected $_name = 'activity';
protected $_primary = 'activityId';
public function getActivityByLatest($count, $orientation = 'S')
$select = $this->select()->where('orientation = ?', $orientation)
->order('activityId DESC');
return $this->fetchAll($select); // this is where warning occurs underlining $select
Thanks for complete code. I was able to reproduce this on WI-94.149 but my current sources work correctly. Next EAP build will be published in 2-3 of days.
Terrific, can't wait for the build.