Unable to create modules in complex project subdirectory and module structure
My company's software build system, because language-heterogeneous, creates a "sandbox" system that's difficult to integrate into an IDEA project. Attempting to File -> New -> Module from existing sources to make module1 leads to main.iml and test.iml with main and test subdirectories in bold in the Project view. Of course, I expect module1 and module2 to be in bold after and I expect module1.iml and module2.iml.
Project set-up:
project --root in IntelliJ
`-- code
+-- pom.xml
`-- component --will not have own source code; just subsumes multiple modules
+-- pom.xml
+-- module1 -- cannot get IDEA to make this a module
| +-- pom.xml
+ `-- src (main/java, test/java, etc.)
`-- module2 -- cannot get IDEA to make this a module
+-- pom.xml
`-- src (main/java, test/java, etc.)
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Mistake on line
+ `-- src
change to
| `-- src
Try importing pom.xml files instead.
I guess I'm new enough to IntelliJ that I don't know what that means. Do you mean dump the project (erase .idea) and re-open by selecting the top-level pom.xml or something more surgical?
Yes, just open the root pom.xml to import the project from Maven.
This didn't work because only code has a pom.xml and not the sandbox root (code's parent), which I need because it's got pre-built resources in it I have to use (which I did not show you--not your fault).
However, by expanding the right-edge Maven Projects view, clicking + and adding module1 solves the problem once I then go into Project Settings and arrange everything. I think this is the "surgical" version of what you were suggesting.
Thank you very much!