Diagram not showing relation? Foreign Key constraint is there...
I'm currently trying out DataGrip and am facing a dead end here. I have created a very basic database in another program and DataGrip actually gets the data right, but it doesn't show the relation. I didn't find anything I had to enable to get this to work.
you can see the book_fk, but it doesn't show up in the diagram.
Any ideas?
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It is known issue with table relations not displaying. Please vote and follow related requests in YouTrack: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/DBE-1781 , https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/DBE-2130 .
I have also run into this issue. Is there any chance that we'll be getting a fix?
I submitted a new issue DBE-13750 based on your description.
I have the same problem using SQLite. With MySQL works fine. I believe this is because SQLite does not enforce foreign keys (http://sqlite.org/foreignkeys.html)
Any fix expected soon?
Currently I have no ETA for this. Most probably not in the nearest DataGrip versions.
Any update? I see foreign keys for MySQL just fine but they're missing altogether for DB2. DbVisualizer has no issues with it.
The bug's still not fixed.So vizualization mode is not working.
Could you provide a sample DDL to reproduce the issue?
Yes, sure.
I use Database Tools and SQL plugin 211.7442.57.