After updating to Phpstorm 2016.1 Shift + Enter shortcut open files in a new window


when searching for a file inside Phpstorm I often use the shortcut Shift + Enter to open the file in the current split. This was useful especially if the file was already open in another split. Since today, after I updated Phpstorm, Shift + Enter opens the file in a new window. I tried looking for this shortcut, but I couldn't find it. How can I restore the old behavior?


Hi there,

For me it opens in new Editor window even in v10...

Similar thread:

Help page:



I also do not see dedicated action that would respond to Shift+Enter combo -- possibly it's hard coded thing.


Permanently deleted user

Hi, thanks for your answer.

It's weird then. Originally I learnt about Shift+Enter here:

But also there some are saying that for them opens a new window. Would be nice to be able to configure the old behavior, which seems more useful to me

Permanently deleted user


Shift+Enter also opens the file in a separate window in PhpStorm 10 for me too.

You can assign a shortcut for Split Vertically (or Horizontally, if you prefer) in File | Settings (or PhpStorm | Preferences) | Keymap and use it within the open file to open it again in another editor pane.

Permanently deleted user

Thanks Vladimir, that's also useful to know, but it's not what I needed. Very often I have my window split in four panes and I just want to open one file, already open in one of the panes, in another pane. It was very handy being able to focus the pane, search for the file and hit Shift+Enter.


With the splits behavior you are describing I would end up with the file open in two very small splits. Of course then I might proceed and closing one of the panes, but this would need a lot of unnecessary keystrokes

Permanently deleted user

I just noticed this:

"Open in current window" seems to describe the behavior I'm expecting

Permanently deleted user

Just for future reference, there's an open ticket for this:


>With the splits behavior you are describing I would end up with the file open in two very small splits. Of course then I might proceed and closing one of the panes, but this would need a lot of unnecessary keystrokes

There are "Move Down" / "Move Right" actions that will move tab into another split instead of cloning (even if there is no split yet).

>Very often I have my window split in four panes and I just want to open one file, already open in one of the panes, in another pane.

There is "Open in opposite group" action for that (this clones already opened file in opposite group)


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