How to run PyCharm in Ubuntu 9.1?
Hi everyone,
I'm anxious to try PyCharm, but can't get it running in Ubuntu. I have the latest Sun JDK installed via apt, but I'm not exactly sure what to set the JDK_HOME to? My JAVA_HOME is /usr/bin/java
Can someone help me out?
Kind regards,
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After setting the environment variable JDK_HOME I got the follwing error after running
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not find agent library on the library path or in the local directory: yjpagent
Anf after googling around I found the follwing solutio - for IDEA:
I just had to remove the last line in the file bin/pycharm.vmoptions ....
Hi Sebastian,
What did you set your JDK_HOME variable to?
For developing in Java, I already had a full JDK on my Computer. I already had a full JDK from downloaded and extracted. The JDK_HOME points to that directory eg /home/name/jdk.
Awesome. Got it working. I just didn't have the full JDK.
Many thanks!