Next EAP?
Hello all you lovely people in jetbrains.
Now that swift has gone 1.0 and apple has come out with GM release of Xcode 6.0 can we expect an EAP of Appcode allowing us to test drive Swift along with all Appcode features?
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We are currently working on it and will deliver it as soon as possible.
if an EAP is delayed for swift, i'd much rather have a 'sweep the floor' EAP and delay swift than wait. You got some pretty serious stuff in 3.0.4, that renders the product just short of unusable.
Glad to hear that. I want to start developing swift; but the truth is, after 2+ years of appcode use, I can't go back to a lower level of code-comfort than you guys offer.
Xcode is a no go (it hurts my brain just to type in it), and swift support in al ides right now (including yours) feels like sumblime text editor, which is no comparison for a jetbrains IDE.
Can't wait to see what you guys will come up with - good luck!
Thanks for that,
As George Cook says, It hurts my eyes just to look at awfull xcode and pure lack of context to any given code is too much to taken in after a decade of using Jetbrains products.
Hope the EAP opens up soon with swift support and refactoring swift code :)
Thanks for your hardwork guys.
Any news?
Hi Parthiban.
We're working hard on Swift support. We have already made good progress on parser and ObjC-to-Swift resolve. We'll keep you updated via our blog.
EAP now available with Swift support
Thank you all for your hardwork.
How do I order Pizza for your team??
Brilliant offer! Would definitely agree if not being on an apple diet in the past few days :)
Hope that 3.1 EAP brings you nice experience!