Was unable to find a destination

I am getting this error and I cannot figure out why. I am trying to deploy to an iPad connected via USB. I can deploy fine from xcode, but AppCode gives this error:

xcodebuild: error: Was unable to find a destination matching the arguments to the -destination flag:
The requested device could not be found because no available devices matched the request.
Build failed with 2 errors and 0 warnings in 14 sec

The connected device (Yellow 11) is visible in the dropdown on top left and is selected:
Screen Shot 2014-03-22 at 3.57.15 PM.png


Could you provide some more info about your configuration. What is your AppCode/Xcode versions? What is your iPad model?


Swapna, have you been able to solve the issue or do you need any further help?


Hi Anton,

I am sorry I have been busy and was not able to get back to this. I will try again tonight and let you all know. Thanks.

Permanently deleted user

I have this exact issue.

Xcode: 5.1
AppCode: 2.5.5 Build #OC - 131.842
iPad: iPad Mini running 7.0.4

Interestingly, I am able get it to build on an iPad 4 running 7.1

Permanently deleted user

My iPad mini suddenly works...even though I did not change anything.


Great. If you experience the problem again just tell us.

Permanently deleted user

okay so it is alternating between the above error and this one:
Error: hdiutil: attach failed - Resource busy

When I get the first error unpluging the iPad gets the build to load on the iPad but then I get the error above (and even though I get this error it still builds and runs on the iPad).



it looks like some device-related image is either missing or locked.

Please try the following steps:
* restart Mac and Device
* delete ~/Library/Developer/iOS DeviceSupport (after that you'll need to update the devices in Xcode | Organizer)
* reset the device if it's an option.

Does any of them help?

Permanently deleted user

deleting ~/Library/Developer/iOS DeviceSupport seems to have solved the issue.



Following resolved the issue for me:
Plug the device to the computer
Go to Organizer in XCode
Under Devices, delete the device
Unplug the device and plug it in again
Wait for XCode to recognize and the add device to the organizer again
Then go to AppCode and try to run the app on the device

Somehow, after deleteing and adding the device to organizer, AppCode was able to start running the app on the device again.


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