Strange warning about AVPlayerItemOutputPushDelegate in imports
I am currently testing AppCode 2.5.1 to see if I am going to switch to it from xCode. I am a big big fan of IntelliJ for years!
But I notice something weird when I opened my first project. It is a very simple project with only 2 view controller.
In the main one, I have a strange warning in my implementation file. It does not prevent the project to build or run and it does not appear in xCode.
Look at the screenshot I attached.
What is that?
I did a search on Google about this message and found nothing!
Screen Shot 2013-10-28 at 13.25.59 .png
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I have the same issue. And i found a workaround for my case.
I have a Protocol:
And if I implement this protocol in one of my ViewControllers, AppCode notice my with this strange warning.
But if I replace #import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h> with @class AVPlayerItem; warning dissappear.
Thierry, Philip, could you please specify what version of Xcode and what SDK version are you using. Former can be found at "Preferences | Xcode" and latter - at "File | Project Settings... | <select the target name in the list on the left> | Base SDK".
Xcode: 5.0 (5A1413)
Base SDK: Latest (iOS 7.0)
Thierry, Philip, thank you for information, reproduced, new issue is raised:
As workaround to disable this warning please unmark 'Not visible class' checkbox in Preferences -> Inspections -> Objective-C -> Classes