endless "collecting data" in the debugger?
Before I open a bug ticket I want to make sure I'm just not missing something.
Debugging a pretty simple (so far) project using GDB to debug (LLDB fails with an invalid hostname 'localhost' error but thats another story.....i also get a timeout with LLDB in xcode). After stepping over a few lines of code and trying to view some variables all I end up getting is a bunch of 'collecting data' messages in for each of the variables. They end up coming up with memory addresses after awhile (30 seconds to a minute) but if I try to expand anything further I get more collecting data messages. I'm assuming this isnt supposed to be happening ;)
iOS 5 on the iphone simulator.
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So I found out the issue with LLDB. Bogus entry for localhost in my /etc/hosts file. Now LLDB works in both XCode and AppCode. Interestingly the collecting data problem doesnt happen with LLDB inside of AppCode. Only GDB.
please add the following lines to /Application/AppCode/bin/log.xml:
<category name="#com.jetbrains.cidr.execution.debugger">
<priority value="DEBUG"/>
<appender-ref ref="CONSOLE-DEBUG"/>
Try to reproduce the issue with and attach the logs (Help->Reveal Log in Finder)
Anton Makeev
Thanks for the response. The logs are attached. Looks like the log rotated during my test. All relevant lines are for today (27th).
the situation with GDB is not clear. How often does this problem reproduces? Does it happen on a device?
Is it possible to send us a sample project that has such a problem?
I have not tried it on my iPhone. I will do that later this evening. It is reproducible every time. I can zip up and send you the xcode project if you'd like. There isn't much there yet as I just started working on this app.
Same thing happens on my iPhone 4. I can send you a zip of the project. Should I attach it here or create a bug for this?
That's great!
The separate issue would be better (it won't be lost) and you can set visibility of your attachment so only our team can see it.
Anton Makeev
Sorry for the delay. I opened up an issue, OC-2544, and attached the xcode project to it.
I'm getting this as well. Is there a resolution for this? I'm on 2.5. I've just started using AppCode again. I dont remember this happening on 2.1.
Please follow the steps described in the last comment for http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/OC-2544 . Does tempopary disabing of renderers help?