I don't use TFS, I just hope it is the same for TFS... After putting something into Shelf you can unshelve it by clicking Changes at the bottom, select tab Shelf. You should see all shelved changes and context menu on them gives you wanted feature.
No, it is not possible with 'Shelve' feature. You may use Git 'branches' feature for this, and cherry-pick changes made in another branch in Changes | Log tool window.
@Anton Thanks for the fast reply. I' m afraid that is not the same thing which Jacob meant and what I wanted, as I have undertood patches are created within local file system not submitted to the TFS server. One more thing, when shelves are not submitted to TFS server how are we going to review the codes of a teammate -comment on it etc- before the code is checked in? By passing around the patches?
I don't use TFS, I just hope it is the same for TFS...
After putting something into Shelf you can unshelve it by clicking Changes at the bottom, select tab Shelf. You should see all shelved changes and context menu on them gives you wanted feature.
Sorry, I didn't specify that I wanted to unshelve some changes made by another user. Is that possible?
No, it is not possible with 'Shelve' feature. You may use Git 'branches' feature for this, and cherry-pick changes made in another branch in Changes | Log tool window.
is this serious? I cant get shelved codes of my teammate? What does this plugin is useful for then..
@Serksahin you can, simply right-click on a change and create a patch. Then share the patch
@Anton Thanks for the fast reply. I' m afraid that is not the same thing which Jacob meant and what I wanted, as I have undertood patches are created within local file system not submitted to the TFS server. One more thing, when shelves are not submitted to TFS server how are we going to review the codes of a teammate -comment on it etc- before the code is checked in? By passing around the patches?
Currently TFS Shelvesets are not supported by the plugin. You can vote and track corresponding feature request - https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-65883.