Unable to open files in editor

I am not able to open my files (.m. .h etc) from the project navigator by double clicking on the file name. Whenever I double click, nothing happens...

What could be wrong? Anybody else has seen this before?

Thanx in advance for the help.



Please attach the log files (Help->Reveal Log in Finder)

Permanently deleted user

Hereby the logfile

Permanently deleted user

I suspect my problem might not be a Appcode problem per se. I develop using OSX Lion running inside VMWare Fusion. On my main workstation I have installed the latest patches of VMWare Fusion and it is inside the VMs runninng in this VMWare Fusion my Appcode problem occurs. This morning I copied the VM images to my MacBook which doesn't have the latest VMWare Fusion patch installed. Within this VMWare Fusion version my Appcode problem doesn't occurs. So I am not sure if this is an Appcode issue: running Appcode inside a VMWare Fusion instance using the latest VMWate fusion patches doesn't work. As I exclusivly develop on virtualised workstation, this is a real problem to me and I cannot use Appcode properly.I would like to use Appcode but for for moment only XCode works fine insie VMWare and therefore I fear Appcode might not suitable for me.

Are there any other people running Appcode inside VMWare? Do they have the same issues with the latest pathes of VMWare?



have you installed latest java update on the virualized MacOS X?
Does AppCode UI work in other parts (settings, clicking to the project view), can you open the file with a keyboard?

Permanently deleted user

My OSX Lion is up to date, latest patches are installed (does this make my Java environment up to date as well or do I have to update the JVM seperatly?). Exactly the same VMWare instance runs Appcode perfectly fine when running in on older VMWare Fusion installartion (current minus the latest patch).

Yes I can open the files using the keyboard, seems that only (double) clicking in the project explorer


Does double-clicking work in other places (e.g. in the editor)?
Try setting 'Autoscroll to source' option of the Project View and use single click, do the files open?

Permanently deleted user


Do you use a regular mouse or touchpad for your main machine as well, or some other input device?

I've had some problems in the past with double-clicks in some idea-family apps when I use a Wacom tablet.
It's still imperfect in some ways, but I've learned to live with the gitches.

Permanently deleted user

Autoscroll to source works fine, double clicking in other places (eg in the editor) seems work fine also.

Permanently deleted user

Hi, I have the same problem. I think it is a vmware problem. I tried vnc feature of the vmware and doubleclick doesn't work either, but when I connect via vnc to the virtualized mac itself, doubleclick in the project panel works as expected. I tried touchpad and external mouse, same results. Maybe there is some doubleclick delay setting somewhere, or mouse down/mouse up event handling config, ...


Please try the latest AppCode 1.6 EAP, does the problem reproduce?

Permanently deleted user

Hi, in version 1.6 EAP, build 120.38, doubleclick works as expected. Thank you!


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