Can't run on device in AppCode 1.5

I'm not sure whether I'm going mad but I'm sure I was able to run and debug on an attached iOS device before I upgraded to 1.5.

As I say, I've upgraded to AppCode 1.5 and at the same time to XCode 4.3 (maybe it was a bad idea to upgrade both together). Now when I look in Run/Edit Configurations I don't see and real devices, only simulators, in the Destination drop down. I've attached a screen shot. Needless to say, in XCode I can run on the attached iPad/iPhone. Can anyone help?

Screen Shot 2012-03-16 at 18.18.41.png


What configuration is it? Running tests on the device is not currently supported.

If it is a regular run configuration, please add the following lines to
<category name="#com.jetbrains.cidr.execution.deviceSupport.AMDeviceManager">
<priority value="DEBUG"/>
<appender-ref ref="CONSOLE-DEBUG"/>


Restart AppCode, open the Edit Configurations dialog, make sure there is no device listed and attach the log file (Help->Reveal Log in Finder)

Anton Makeev


Okay, I've followed your instructions and the log is attached. I'm just trying to Run normally.

Just to confirm, I went back to AppCode 1.0 and the problem goes away, so it's definitely an AppCode 1.5 issue and not XCode 4.3

Best regards


Andy, thanks for the log, but what type of run configuration is it? OCUnit or Application? Please show full screenshot of the 'Edit Configurations' dialog.



Sorry, when I said "Run normally" in the last post, I meant to suggest that it was an application. Anyway, attached is the screenshot of the Edit Config dialog.

Best regards

Screen Shot 2012-03-19 at 16.54.31.png

Hi, Andy!
Can you please try running sample empty project on this specific device with AppCode and attach new log? It would give us and idea where the actual problem is. Thanks.


Please also show us the screenshot of your build settings of the problematic target (like this one).

UPDATE: it is most likely that an architecture in your target is incorrectly specified.

Screen Shot 2012-03-20 at 12.46.45 .png

I have created a sample application project and, of course, it works. This doesn't help my specific case with my existing project though. The log is attached.


I've attached the build settings from XCode (I assume that's what you mean) for a project that's failing. These projects are set up by a framework called Kobald2d (which is a wrapper around the popular Cocos2d) so I don't have much control over how they are initially created. However, I just did a bit of messing around and, if I change "Architectures: arm6,arm7" to "Standard (arm7)" then I do see my real iOS devices inside AppCode!!

This may be enough of a solution for me, I'm not sure. One of the reasons I'm using the Kobold2d wrapper is to get around the complexity of having to set up multiple XCode project options. I can't see why changing this particular option should break anything, it doesn't seem to have done so yet. There again, I can't see why it should make any difference to AppCode either. All I can say is that the arm6,arm7 architecture option seems to work fine in AppCode 1.03 but not in 1.5.

Best regards

Screen Shot 2012-03-20 at 14.49.56.png

Thanks, Andy,
we'll handle such configuration. The bug fix fill be availalable shortly.


your issue should have beeen fixed in AppCode 1.5.1. Please check and let us know.



Yes, that fixes it just fine. Thanks very much for the speedy work.

Best regards


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