Does AppCode work with the Xcode 4.3 release?
With Xcode 4.3 having been released yesterday, can you confirm whether AppCode 1.0.4 will work with just the new Xcode installed and no /Developer directory?
I'm asking specifically because 4.3 does away with the whole /Developer directory, and instead folds everything into the Xcode app package, so it has some major implications for other tools (like AppCode) that try to find Xcode related stuff.
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Hopefully it will work soon. JetBrains knew this was coming for months (and I know they were working on it). So, lets hope. There was mention of AppCode working with one of the betas of Xcode 4.3, so let's see what happens. I really dig AppCode, but I must (as we all) have to put Xcode first.
I've tried to configure Xcode path in Info.plist as a message suggests but with no success (path is indeed changing but AppCode still can not find Xcode).
Had to go back to Xcode and it is such a pain in the ass..... Hope it will be soon resolved.
Greetings, Piotr
Yes, AppCode works with Xcode 4.3.
There may be some issues, though, since we haven't had time to test it thoroughly with the Xcode 4.3 release.
If you find such an issue, please submit a bug request and specify that the problem is Xcode 4.3-related.
Please note, that if you install Xcode into the same location as the previously installed one, in may take a while for AppCode to open some project (since it will reparse all files under Xcode installation). AppCode may hang for few minues on 'indexing' phase.
We recommend after installing Xcode, invalidating all caches in AppCode (File->Invalidate Caches).
Anton Makeev
Hey Anton,
What path should I specify in Info.plist assuming I have Xcode installed in /Applications??? I have tried /Applications, /Applications/Xcode, and several paths inside Xcode package content, nothing seems to work. Just dont want to file bug report if fault is on my side.
Greetings, Piotr
You need to use 'xcode-select -switch /Applications/'
Thx, that worked just fine. I'm alive again ;)
Well, that worked to get AppCode to run and build. But, now AppCode doesn't work with Apple's Git version. I'll post something on the forum for this problem.