Multiple VMs from a single vagrant file?
As far as I can tell, there's no support for integrating multiple VMs from a VagrantFile is there?
As I have a bunch of VMs defined in my VagrantFile like
It seems like you can only have one VM defined. However I'd love to be told differently!
As I have a bunch of VMs defined in my VagrantFile like
It seems like you can only have one VM defined. However I'd love to be told differently!
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you are not right=)
please review our blog post on Vagrant:
So, in this blog post you can see example of one VM setup and run.
However the same is applicable for several VMs. You can add several boxes in Settings|{Project Settings}|Vagrant:
and then you will be able to edit vagrant file by PyCharm:
please follow
to set everything properly in Vagrantfile.
and then just:
so thus it will up all your machines according to vagrantfile.
I hope i answered your question. If not, feel free to ask again.
As you can see I use a single box for about 3-4 seperate VMs. I haven't found a way to let PyCharm incorporate all of them easily.
ok... So when you do UP from PyCharm with this vagrantfile what happens? If all VMs really become up?
What are you expecting and what doesn't happen? What do you mean by "I haven't found a way to let PyCharm incorporate all of them easily."?
To use several VMs in one project you need to setup several remote interpreters for this project... Create several run/debug configurations and launch them separately...