Support for pylint/pyflakes/flake8?
Are there any plans to support pylint/pyflakes/flake8 as inspections in addition to pep8 which is currently available?
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I don't understand at all. There is a well-known community tool `flake8`, free, open-source, and available through pypi/pip. A lot of projects use this tool in their CI systems. Why pycharm-flake8 plugin still does not exist???
Moreover, as written before, PyCharm's embed linting feature does not detect a lot of bugs/issues/tips, already detected by flake8.
I know just one so-so way to use flake8 in PyCharm: use External Tools. There is an article: , and here is my config:
Someone keeps a gist sort of up to date here for this :
Where can I find information on how to configure these features on per file/scope/line basis (comments in the source code) similarly to how the original tools can be configured?
While I find PyCharm a wonderful tool, I can hardly understand its inability to integrate ubiquitous Python linting tools. The reality is that PyCharm internal linting support will never be able to cover for all pep8/flake8/pylint/pycodestyle linters, is just impossible to keep up with them. That is one reason why I prefer to use Atom when I do not have to perform debugging.
We have similar request on YouTrack: Feel free to vote for it and leave suggestions in comments.
I've wrote a library that offer - kind of - native flake8 integration with pycharm. The library work by pretending to be a pylint executable. It accept pylint arguments and translate it to flake8 counterpart. Similarly it translate flake8 output to equivalent pylint output.
Result is native flake8 support.
The problem for us is that however good PyCharm's built-in checking, if it does not use the same config files to configure checking that pyflakes uses, then it does not cover "all the features of PyFlakes". When you need to work in a team with people using different editors, you need to use the standard linting tools, end of story.