Well done Jetbrains! ...and, eh, I have a problem ;-) (Fixed)
First of all I like to say "Thank you Jetbrains!" this is indeed a very welcome extension to my tool-set!
Second :_|: I have a problem with my SDK/Architecture/Device settings in the Configurations Dialog. The show "Not selected" and the list is empty. I can not find where I can adjust the options in these lists. Any hints?
Local situation: I have Xcode 3 and 4 installed; downloaded and installed appCode; I opened one of my (working) Xcode projects in appCode; I got a warning that the configuration was not valid; now I do not know how to make it valid.
Any help is appreciated.
Message was edited by: Tom Brus: added "fixed" to the title.
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Are target and configuration correctly selected. Is the project macos os ios?
target & configuration seem correct.
It is an iOS project.
Please also check the discovered Xcode version what AppCode uses in Settings->Xcode.
Is it the same that you created the project with?
Please archive and attach the '.idea' directory under your project (no source code is stored in it - only AppCode's config files).
Both are correct as far as I know. The project I opened was also made with this 4.0 Xcode.
.idea dir in enclosed zip.
What is in the sdk and architecture combo boxes? Can you attach the screenshots?
It they are empty, please attach log files from ~/library/logs/appcode10/
Same symptoms here, and SDK ar Architecture dropdowns are blank. Let me know if you want me to post anything--thanks!
Yes, please attach log files from ~/library/logs/appcode10/.
In the meanwhile I'll build AppCode with improved Run configuration dialog and give you a link shortly to test.
Log files attached
This is the screenshot:
Clicking the "Not selected" items will show an empty menu (a few pixels high) on top but only for a fraction of a second.
Find the attached library/logs/appCode10 zip.
I've added some diagnostic, try this build: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/634494/appCode-106.398.dmg.
Please attach logs again and screenshots of RunConfigurations->Application and RunConfigurations->Default->Application
Screenshots and logs using new version attached.
if you would like mine as well, please say so....
Hmm, still not clear.
I would highly appreciate a project.pbxproj file.
can I mail that to you directly?
send to anton/pt/makeev/youknowwhat/jetbrains/pt/com
in the mail
Thanks for provided project file. Ive fixed the problem.
You can try fixed build here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/634494/appCode-106.410.dmg
Indeed: problem fixed!
Thanks Anton. Keep up the good work and do it with pleasure :).
Works here as well--thanks for the speedy turnaround!