Is there a way to set the default highlighting level to Syntax instead of Inspection?

I am finding that inspection level highlighting is too slow fr the size of my projects/speed of my work PC (Core i5, 3.25GB) and would like to be able to set the default highlighting level to simply syntax.

Is this possible?
Permanently deleted user

By right-clicking on the bar to the right (with many yellow highlights), choosing "customize highlight level", and "Configure Inspections", you can uncheck every type of files that you don't want the editor to verify, for the whole project, and choose "Disable new inspections by default". 

This solved it for me. Here us the sequence of pictures:


Permanently deleted user

Ditto everyone else.  I'm a paying customer and I want a way to easily move highlighting down to "syntax" level once, that covers every project and every file.  In my case I'm using Rubymine, where of course the same problem exists.

Permanently deleted user

Following up on Anna Morozova's pointer to using scopes to solve this problem:

If I set my highest-priority scope to not show any inspections, is there a way in the UI to turn ON and OFF inspections again for this scope, without having to drill into the Settings/Scopes/blah to accomplish it?


Alright, so I'll have to go ahead and disable all inspections then. 
Why? Because I have so many frikken warnings I couldn't see or use my scrollbar.


Hi Rudolf,

If you not click it, but press and hold, then you can actually use the scrollbar. But it looks like it is not very user friendly, so please report a usability problem about it using the link


I would love to have this feature.

I am working on legacy code, that is 10 years old, and 80% of the code is highlighted when the level is set to Inspections, making inspections level useless in my case.

PS: the attitude "I will not do it because I know better than you" is wrong, you should listen your customers, especially if they are still asking for a feature after 5 years

Permanently deleted user

Still no solution?

Why it takes so long to introduce this setting.

Permanently deleted user

I, too would very much appreciate this feature.


Everyone who wants this feature - let's UP-VOTE the up-to-date request for this feature:

Side note:

An old request was 'declined':

Workaround: turn off stripe marks:



I can't believe that by default, I can disable the inspections completely, but can't set them to syntax.

like, I want an IDE that (by default) highlights syntax, but doesn't look like a christmas tree.

that "we know better than you" attitude is seriously making me consider moving on to another IDE. because, bugs I can take, but devs that THINK they know better than their users, nope.

jeez, if it's so important, make it an obscure setting. I don't mind having to modify a text config file or whatever. but don't take the option away from me.

PS: even better would be to be able to select the inspection highlighting level by default: I would like it to show errors (and syntax) and nothing else. WITHOUT having to uncheck half a million checkboxes (and having to check them all again if I ever want to improve my coding style)

Permanently deleted user

I've moved away from the 🤑 JetBrains ecosystem to the 🆓 Visual Studio Code ecosystem. The level of customization I can do is mindblowing, and I don't have to deal with crap like "we know better than you".

Come, join me!

Permanently deleted user

I have also moved to VSCode.


I am very very tempted, however, since (VCS) is not specifically designed for python, getting it to run "as I'd like" will take a few hours of tweaking and learning... (I did give it a run yesterday, was overwhelmed, that's what prompted my post: having a christmas tree by default is the only problem I have with, in my case, pycharm)

but may well do it if I get fed up with the inspections bullshit.


Niky0045 And you say PyCharm is specifically designed for Python? I am a thankful PHPStorm user, and PyCharm seems like a bastard child, Cinderella, that is the base Intellij framework + Jupyter support - and that very buggy. But PyCharm costs like PHPStorm, and now they announced a new Data Science IDE, that may just kill PyCharm. I hope I can test that Data Science IDE and use it in the future. Because PyCharm seems like a quite useless thing that I paid for.

Permanently deleted user

Niky0045 VS Code is not specifically designed for anything! That's the beauty of it. With a vibrant community of extension developers, you can find an extension for anything. All the extensions are open source and on GitHub, so if you're keen you can even contribute fixes. VS Code itself is open source, thus accepting contributions.

Gone are the days where we rely on a monolith corporation (hint) to maintain and update a closed-source software suite for us. It's open-source rein now, and apps/extensions in a marketplace is the future. Come, join us. Stop paying for things that don't work for you!

Note: Technically speaking a plain installation of VS Code is merely a text editor with a project explorer. It's not a traditional IDE in any sense. But with the correct suite of extensions, it becomes a new kind of extensible IDE.

Yes, getting it to run as you like will take a bit of configuration. But you're not left in the dark to figure it out. VS Code suggests relevant extensions whenever you do an action that could benefit from one. For example, when you open a Python file for the first time, VS Code will suggest you to find extensions that can be installed to enhance your Python experience. You'll get immediate access to code completion extensions, language servers and many more.

And whenever I find something is lacking, I open up the Extensions panel and search for an extension that can bring the desired feature into VS Code.


"It's open-source rein now, and apps/extensions in a marketplace is the future."
You shouldn't generalize. Eclipse is setup that way too and I doubt it's the future.


I read the entire thread and don't think it was mentioned: what about the diff viewer?

HOW IS IT POSSIBLE that I have to change EVERY FILE to show me all problems with the code when reviewing?

One more reason to not buy their products on my own and maybe even convince my team to move away. So frustrating...



Do you mean that you have to make a change to the file, otherwise IDE doesn't show the inspection results? Either way, I'd appreciate if you could report the issue to with the following data:

- Steps to reproduce if known, e.g. starting from a new project

- Code sample if the issue is code-specific

- Logs from **Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data** after reproducing the issue

Then you can ping me here so I'd look at the issue ASAP.


No. I mean that when reviewing code, for example from a PR, the diff viewer window, which is great otherwise, defaults to highlighting only syntax problems, instead of all problems. I haven't been able to find a way to set that as the default. And if I change it and then move to the next file, it resets to syntax only. What the hell???


Aruku64 I see. Yes, I reproduced the issue as well and reported as


ADTC's comment helped me. My laptop is powerful enough that I doubt the performance impact is noticeable. However, the legacy code's problem made the scroll bar unusable, and having to modify the highlight setting per file was getting very annoying. Nobody is going to go refactor all the legacy code just to get rid of the highlights. Please provide the default setting for everyone's UX sake.


This is an important issue, thanks for bringing this up. I actually need the other functionality - by default highlight “All Problems” instead of only “Syntax”. Seems like currently it is default to Syntax and I do not know how to change it to “All Problems” for all my project files. It is very tedious to do this for each file using the tick mark on the top-right or right-click on the scroll bar.

I have searched my Pycharm settings (with search word  - all problems), and seems like there is no option to change the highlighting level for all files as per the below screenshot:


You can see that “Error Highlighting” section is missing the needed option. Andrey Resler , it would be very nice to have an option to change the setting for all files at once.


Reviving need for critical feature.


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