How to remap keys in the editor
I'd like to know how to remap shift+space to type an underscore.
In Vim that was easy, just 'imap <S-Space> _' and done. On Mac OS X was slightly complicated, I had to mess with DefaultKeyBinding.dict under ~/Library/KeyBindings/. But now I have an underscore after typing shit+space everywhere, awesome. Then I open up PyCharm certain that my mac foo would save me, sigh.
Google foo didn't help too. So, I'd appreciate if someone could give me a help figuring this one out.
I'd like to know how to remap shift+space to type an underscore.
In Vim that was easy, just 'imap <S-Space> _' and done. On Mac OS X was slightly complicated, I had to mess with DefaultKeyBinding.dict under ~/Library/KeyBindings/. But now I have an underscore after typing shit+space everywhere, awesome. Then I open up PyCharm certain that my mac foo would save me, sigh.
Google foo didn't help too. So, I'd appreciate if someone could give me a help figuring this one out.
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Did you investigate KeyRemap4Macbook? I use it to do some really cool stuff with Slate and my (formerly underutilized) CapsLock key. I think it could handle this systemwide for you easily.