How do I change the menu fonts
I'm running Pycharm 3.0.2 on Ubuntu 13.04. I hate the Java fonts on the menu, they are bolded, aliased, and ugly and I want to change them. Please keep in mind I am NOT talking about the editor fonts, the editor fonts look fine to me and I realize I can change them by going to File->Settings->IDE->Editor->Colors and Fonts. However, I do not see a section to change the menu fonts. Is pycharm a SWT app? Is there anyway to change these fonts? I've attached an image showing the fonts I want to change. Ideally, I'd like them to look like the standard ubuntu fonts. Thanks!
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I did what you suggested and that did change the fonts for the project browser, however, the menu fonts are unchanged (see attached).
Did you see any difference at all after changing that option? Sounds like a linux specific bug if you didn't. In that case, you should file an issue in YouTrack. You could try asking on the IntelliJ EAP forum as well. Maybe someone over there knows more about how this is supposed to work on Linux.
I had oracle JRE installed on Ubuntu and the fonts were never rendering properly. I tried various suggestions such as editing the pycharm.vmoptions file to include
There were also various tips how to add these options to .bashrc etc. etc. None of them worked. Finally I found this ppa...
This ppa contains a openjdk version with the fonts patched. I removed oracle JDK and installed it and it works perfectly. Fonts in pycharm render just as they do for any app I run on Ubuntu. The only thing I'm concerned about is that when I was installing pycharm I saw that using openjdk is not recommended. Do you know why this is the case? It seems to work fine to me. Attached is a screen of what my fonts look like now, the difference is clear.
I had pulled a build without the include JDK and the fonts use for dialogs were bad, really hard to read. You could choose to change font, but there was no second option offered.
Based on above I pulled the normal for me with JDK and things look good again.