How do I share my keymap with my home version of PyCharm?

What is the easiest way to share my customized key mappings between the PyCharm I'm using at the office, and the one I'm using at home?

Ideally it would be easy to keep in sync whenever I add a key mapping (either at home or at work)...
Keymaps are located in the Preferences directory of the IDE under a folder keymaps (the link is to the IDEA online help but I guess, it's the same for PyCharm). You could copy the xml file to other installations if you like.

I believe that there is also an optional plugin from JetBrains that syncs settings through a JetBrains account. The plugin is called "IntelliJ Configuration Server Plugin". It can be installed through Preferences > Plugins > Install JetBrains plugins.
Thanks. I've installed the plugin – and copied the keymap file to Dropbox ;-)  The path (for win7) was C:\Users\<username>\.PyCharm30\config\keymaps
As far as I remember, the plugin takes care of syncing the keymap as well. So, no need to do this manually if you're using the plugin.

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