Export/Import Run Configurations?
I have a very complicated run environment set up in PyCharm that I use to debug our product. Several other engineers want to source-level debug like I do, but manually reading out my run configuration(s) and having them type them in is both very time consuming and error prone.
Is there any way to export/import run configurations?
Is there any way to export/import run configurations?
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This doesn't work for me. I was running my app on a tomcat server yesterday when I got a Blue Screen of Death. I have half a dozen run configurations set up (in a runConfigurations directory) but today when I went to restart Intellij for the first time since the BSOD it told me it couldn't read a settings file, so I opened the .iml instead.
I'm only being offered ONE of my run configs - how can I load the others?
Hey Kate, I believe you can read your configurations in the .idea/runConfiguraions folder and cut out your old stuff manually into new configs. If it's empty, I'm sorry, you've lost it.
I had some run configurations in one project and wanted to move them to another. Here's the manual process I used, which worked fine on the PyCharm Community Edition 2017.1.2
Close PyCharm
Find the source and target workspace.xml files (in .idea directories)
Find the <component name="RunManager"...> element in both
Copy the children elements <configuration default="true" type="PythonConfigurationType" factoryName="Python"> from the source to the target, making sure you paste them into the RunManager component. I put mine at the end of that component, after the pre-existing configurations in the target.
Find the <list size=...> element in both
If it will be possible to copy-paste run / debug configuration between PyCharm instances it will also useful.
I symlink my .run directory to another repo where I store the run configs for all my projects. Then I can keep them backed up and synchronised across machines.